Associations to the word «Cold»
- Wet
- Sore
- Freezing
- Flu
- Stiff
- Sweat
- Cough
- Chill
- Winters
- Warmer
- Warmth
- Winter
- Thermometer
- Shiver
- Cathode
- Hunger
- Weather
- Snowfall
- Perspiration
- Temperature
- Freeze
- Frost
- Influenza
- Heat
- Climate
- Bitter
- Allergy
- Snow
- Dry
- Dark
- Extreme
- Arctic
- Cruel
- Thirst
- Sweating
- Mutton
- Insulation
- Ice
- Sinus
- Blizzard
- Refrigerator
- Ache
- Pneumonia
- Wind
- Dew
- Vapor
- Rain
- Moisture
- Aching
- Clear
- Cool
Pictures for the word «Cold»
COLD, adjective. (of a thing) Having a low temperature.
COLD, adjective. (of the weather) Causing the air to be cold.
COLD, adjective. (of a person or animal) Feeling the sensation of coldness, especially to the point of discomfort.
COLD, adjective. Unfriendly, emotionally distant or unfeeling.
COLD, adjective. Dispassionate, not prejudiced or partisan, impartial.
COLD, adjective. Completely unprepared; without introduction.
COLD, adjective. Unconscious or deeply asleep; deprived of the metaphorical heat associated with life or consciousness.
COLD, adjective. (usually with "have" or "know" transitively) Perfectly, exactly, completely; by heart.
COLD, adjective. (usually with "have" transitively) Cornered, done for.
COLD, adjective. (obsolete) Not pungent or acrid.
COLD, adjective. (obsolete) Unexciting; dull; uninteresting.
COLD, adjective. Affecting the sense of smell (as of hunting dogs) only feebly; having lost its odour.
COLD, adjective. (obsolete) Not sensitive; not acute.
COLD, adjective. Distant; said, in the game of hunting for some object, of a seeker remote from the thing concealed. Compare warm and hot.
COLD, adjective. (painting) Having a bluish effect; not warm in colour.
COLD, noun. A condition of low temperature.
COLD, noun. (medicine) A common, usually harmless, viral illness, usually with congestion of the nasal passages and sometimes fever.
COLD, adverb. While at low temperature.
COLD, adverb. Without preparation.
COLD, adverb. With finality.
COLD ABSCESS, noun. (pathology) A chronic abscess that forms slowly, without pain, heat or inflammation.
COLD ABSCESSES, noun. Plural of cold abscess
COLD AS A WAGON TIRE, adjective. (obsolete) Dead.
COLD AS A WITCH'S TIT, adjective. (simile) (colloquial) (humorous) Very cold.
COLD AS ICE, adjective. (simile) Very cold.
COLD BLOOD, noun. (obsolete outside the phrase in cold blood) A state of mild or low emotions, previously understood as a condition whereby the blood has not been appreciably heated by emotional intensity.
COLD BOOT, verb. (transitive) (computing) To reboot a computer by turning it off and on.
COLD BREW, noun. Abbreviation of cold brew coffee.
COLD BREW, noun. (slang) a chilled beer
COLD BREW COFFEE, noun. Coffee, the liquid drink, which was created by steeping coffee grounds in unheated water for hours (usually 12-24 hours) and then filtering out the grounds
COLD BREW COFFEE, noun. A serving of such
COLD BREW COFFEES, noun. Plural of cold brew coffee
COLD BREWS, noun. Plural of cold brew
COLD CALL, noun. A sales call either by telephone or personal presence, made without a referral or without preparing the recipient of the call.
COLD CALL, verb. To call someone without preparation or referral.
COLD CALLING, noun. The practice of making unsolicited telephone calls or house calls to potential clients, voters or other groups in order to drum up custom or investigate intentions
COLD CASE, noun. A criminal investigation that has not been solved after a considerable time but remains "on the books"; may be reopened when new evidence appears.
COLD CASH, noun. Money, especially in the form of paper currency or coins, which is in hand or readily available for use.
COLD CHAIN, noun. (commerce) A supply chain which is temperature-controlled, important for the supply of certain foods or pharmaceuticals.
COLD CHILLS, noun. Feelings of fear.
COLD CHIPS, noun. (Australia) potato chips, crisps.
COLD CHISEL, noun. A narrow chisel, made of hardened, tempered steel, used for cutting stone etc.
COLD CHISELS, noun. Plural of cold chisel
COLD COCK, noun. (slang) A small heavy object used to give additional force to a punch or other blow of the hand.
COLD COCK, verb. (slang) To hit someone with a cold cock.
COLD COCK, verb. (slang) To hit someone with a club, bottle, or any object that gives additional force to the blow.
COLD COCK, verb. (slang) To knock someone unconscious.
COLD COCKS, noun. Plural of cold cock
COLD COMFORT, noun. (idiomatic) Much less reassurance, consolation, aid, or pleasure than one needs or desires.
COLD CREAM, noun. (pharmacy): An emulsion of water and certain fats, usually including beeswax and various scent agents, designed to smooth skin and remove makeup.
COLD CREAMS, noun. Plural of cold cream
COLD CUT, noun. Singular of cold cuts
COLD CUTS, noun. Cooked, sliced meat served cold, as in a sandwich or a tray of finger food.
COLD DARK MATTER, noun. Dark matter traveling at classical, non-relativistic speeds
COLD DECK, noun. (poker) A hand where two or more players have very strong hands and one or more of them loses a lot of chips despite the strength of the hand(s) involved.
COLD DECK, verb. (nonstandard) To inflict a cold deck situation on an opponent.
COLD DECKED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of cold deck
COLD DECKING, verb. Present participle of cold deck
COLD DECKS, noun. Plural of cold deck
COLD DECKS, verb. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cold deck
COLD FINGER, noun. (chemistry) A piece of laboratory equipment used for creating a cold spot on a surface.
COLD FINGERS, noun. Plural of cold finger
COLD FISH, noun. (idiomatic) A heartless individual; a person lacking empathy and emotion.
COLD FISH, noun. (slang) A sexual partner who, during copulation, lacks vigor or emotional reciprocity.
COLD FISHES, noun. Plural of cold fish
COLD FORMING, noun. Work hardening
COLD FRAME, noun. (agriculture) (gardening) A transparent-roofed enclosure, built low to the ground, used to protect plants from cold weather.
COLD FRAMES, noun. Plural of cold frame
COLD FRONT, noun. (meteorology) A cold front is the leading edge of an advancing mass of cold air.
COLD FRONTS, noun. Plural of cold front
COLD FUSION, noun. A hypothetical form of nuclear fusion not requiring the usual immensely high temperatures
COLD MEAT, noun. General term for cold cooked meats such as luncheon meat or lunch meat, spam, chopped pork, corned beef, and so on.
COLD MEATS, noun. Plural of cold meat
COLD ONE, noun. (idiomatic) A beer.
COLD OPEN, noun. (television) A teaser segment shown before the opening credits.
COLD OPENS, noun. Plural of cold open
COLD READ, verb. To deduce using the practice of cold reading.
COLD READ, verb. (acting) (newsreading) To perform a script without preparation.
COLD READ, noun. An act of cold reading.
COLD READING, noun. The technique, or an instance, of using likely guesses and assumptions, then narrowing in on any positive responses, in order to give the impression of having information about a person or event.
COLD READING, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see cold, reading.
COLD READINGS, noun. Plural of cold reading
COLD ROLL, verb. (metalworking) to roll metal in a temperature that is below its recrystallization point
COLD ROLLING, verb. Present participle of cold roll
COLD ROLLING, noun. (metallurgy) rolling of metal at a temperature below that of its recrystallization point
COLD SELL, verb. To make a sale to a client who is not a lead, who is an unqualified prospect.
COLD SHORT, adjective. (metallurgy) Of metal which is brittle at low temperatures.
COLD SHOULDER, noun. (idiomatic) A deliberate act of disrespect; a slight or snub
COLD SHOULDER, verb. (idiomatic) To deliberately slight or snub someone.
COLD SHOULDERS, noun. Plural of cold shoulder
COLD SLEEP, noun. Alternative form of coldsleep
COLD SMOKING, noun. The smoking of food by saturating it with smoke (which coats the food) but without heating it.
COLD SNAP, noun. (idiomatic) A period of exceptionally cold weather.
COLD SNAPS, noun. Plural of cold snap
COLD SORE, noun. A small bump on the lips resulting from infection by the herpes virus.
COLD SORES, noun. Plural of cold sore
COLD SPOT, noun. (physiology) A sensory area in the skin that responds to a decrease in temperature.
COLD SPOTS, noun. Plural of cold spot
COLD STEEL, noun. (military) (historical) A sword, bayonet or similar weapon made of steel.
COLD SWEAT, noun. Perspiration which feels chilly to the person perspiring, and which indicates debilitating illness, shock, or the experiencing of an intense emotion such as despair, anxiety, or, especially, fear.
COLD TAP, noun. The tap (of a pair) that produces cold water (the other being the hot tap)
COLD TRANSFER, noun. A call put through to an extension without introduction.
COLD TRAP, noun. In vacuum applications, a device that condenses all vapours except the permanent gases into a liquid or solid, typically to prevent contamination of a vacuum pump.
COLD TURKEY, noun. The sudden and complete withdrawal of a dependent substance, especially of a drug
COLD TURKEY, noun. The physiological effects of such a withdrawal
COLD TURKEY, adverb. (idiomatic) Not gradually; all at once. Refers especially to quitting a habit by force of will rather than by a gradual reduction.
COLD ULCER, noun. (medicine) An ulcer on a finger or toe, due to deficient circulation and nutrition. In such cases the extremities are cold.
COLD WAR, proper noun. The period of hostility short of open war between the Soviet Bloc and the Western powers, especially the United States, 1945–91.
COLD WAR, noun. A period of hostile relations between rivals where direct open warfare between them is largely undesired and avoided.
COLD WAVE, noun. A short period of very cold weather; a cold snap
COLD WAVE, noun. A permanent wave in the hair set by special solutions without the aid of any heating machine.
COLD WAVES, noun. Plural of cold wave
COLD WORK, noun. (metallurgy) Any of several plastic deformations of metal (or other material) at relatively low temperatures.
COLD WORKING, noun. (metallurgy) the process of strengthening a metal through plastic deformation
Dictionary definition
COLD, noun. A mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs); "will they never find a cure for the common cold?".
COLD, noun. The absence of heat; "the coldness made our breath visible"; "come in out of the cold"; "cold is a vasoconstrictor".
COLD, noun. The sensation produced by low temperatures; "he shivered from the cold"; "the cold helped clear his head".
COLD, adjective. Having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration; "a cold climate"; "a cold room"; "dinner has gotten cold"; "cold fingers"; "if you are cold, turn up the heat"; "a cold beer".
COLD, adjective. Extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion; "a cold unfriendly nod"; "a cold and unaffectionate person"; "a cold impersonal manner"; "cold logic"; "the concert left me cold".
COLD, adjective. Having lost freshness through passage of time; "a cold trail"; "dogs attempting to catch a cold scent".
COLD, adjective. (color) giving no sensation of warmth; "a cold bluish grey".
COLD, adjective. Marked by errorless familiarity; "had her lines cold before rehearsals started".
COLD, adjective. Lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new; "moth-eaten theories about race"; "stale news".
COLD, adjective. So intense as to be almost uncontrollable; "cold fury gripped him".
COLD, adjective. Sexually unresponsive; "was cold to his advances"; "a frigid woman".
COLD, adjective. Without compunction or human feeling; "in cold blood"; "cold-blooded killing"; "insensate destruction".
COLD, adjective. Feeling or showing no enthusiasm; "a cold audience"; "a cold response to the new play".
COLD, adjective. Unconscious from a blow or shock or intoxication; "the boxer was out cold"; "pass out cold".
COLD, adjective. Of a seeker; far from the object sought.
COLD, adjective. Lacking the warmth of life; "cold in his grave".
Wise words
One great use of words is to hide our thoughts.