Associations to the word «Lifeless»


LIFELESS, adjective. Inanimate; having no life
LIFELESS, adjective. Dead; having lost life
LIFELESS, adjective. Uninhabited, or incapable of supporting life
LIFELESS, adjective. Dull or lacking vitality
LIFELESS, adjective. Departed

Dictionary definition

LIFELESS, adjective. Deprived of life; no longer living; "a lifeless body".
LIFELESS, adjective. Destitute or having been emptied of life or living beings; "after the dance the littered and lifeless ballroom echoed hollowly".
LIFELESS, adjective. Lacking animation or excitement or activity; "the party being dead we left early"; "it was a lifeless party until she arrived".
LIFELESS, adjective. Not having the capacity to support life; "a lifeless planet".

Wise words

In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold; Alike fantastic, if too new, or old: Be not the first by whom the new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.
Alexander Pope