Associations to the word «Stillness»
- Hushed
- Eerie
- Oppressive
- Unbroken
- Solemn
- Brooding
- Utter
- Audible
- Ominous
- Profound
- Unnatural
- Breathless
- Dreamy
- Shrill
- Muffled
- Awful
- Monotonous
- Motionless
- Mournful
- Faint
- Absolute
- Uncanny
- Echoing
- Appalling
- Sudden
- Broke
- Sombre
- Momentary
- Rattling
- Sound
- Whispering
- Loud
- Twilight
- Tranquil
- Breathing
- Disturbed
- Quiet
- Sunny
- Calm
- Impenetrable
- Fancied
- Shattered
- Tense
- Distant
STILLNESS, noun. The quality or state of being still; quietness; silence; calmness; inactivity.
STILLNESS, noun. Habitual silence or quiet; taciturnity.
Dictionary definition
STILLNESS, noun. (poetic) tranquil silence; "the still of the night".
STILLNESS, noun. Calmness without winds.
STILLNESS, noun. A state of no motion or movement; "the utter motionlessness of a marble statue".
Wise words
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking
creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.