Associations to the word «Sunny»


SUNNY, adjective. (of weather or a day) Featuring a lot of sunshine.
SUNNY, adjective. (of a place) Receiving a lot of sunshine.
SUNNY, adjective. (figuratively) (of a person or a person's mood) Cheerful.
SUNNY, adjective. Of or relating to the sun; proceeding from, or resembling the sun; brilliant; radiant.
SUNNY, adverb. (US) (regional) sunny side up
SUNNY, noun. A sunfish.
SUNNY SIDE DOWN, adverb. (US) Over easy.
SUNNY SIDE UP, adverb. (US) Of an egg, fried on one side, served with the unbroken relatively soft yolk on the top.

Dictionary definition

SUNNY, adjective. Bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer; "a cheery hello"; "a gay sunny room"; "a sunny smile".

Wise words

Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
Blaise Pascal