Associations to the word «Sheltered»
- Nook
- Portico
- Anchorage
- Cove
- Headland
- Upbringing
- Lagoon
- Estuary
- Crevice
- Porch
- Fjord
- Harbour
- Mangrove
- Inlet
- Facade
- Reef
- Westerly
- Gable
- Ravine
- Promontory
- Gully
- Hollow
- Canopy
- Thicket
- Wind
- Verandah
- Bough
- Mooring
- Coastline
- Glade
- Easterly
- Ledge
- Roof
- Clump
- Harbor
- Slope
- Walkway
- Warmer
- Cliff
- Entrance
- Accommodation
- Shrub
- Fir
- Weather
- Umbrella
- Swell
- Dune
- Campsite
- Workshop
- Fathom
- Rainforest
- Foliage
- Shingle
- Bay
- Shoreline
- Hut
- Evergreen
- Parapet
- Nest
- Laden
- Shed
- Knoll
- Boating
SHELTERED, adjective. Protected, as from wind or weather.
SHELTERED, adjective. (Of a person) who grew up being overprotected by parents or other guardians; often implies a lack of social skills, worldly experience, etc.
SHELTERED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of shelter
SHELTERED WORKSHOP, noun. A place where persons with limited mental ability can work in a safe environment.
Dictionary definition
SHELTERED, adjective. Protected from danger or bad weather; "a sheltered harbor".
Wise words
The words of truth are simple.