Associations to the word «Workshop»
- Seminar
- Sesame
- Keynote
- Symposium
- Lecture
- Proceeding
- Artisan
- Craftsman
- Outreach
- Improvisation
- Residency
- Foundry
- Attendee
- Miniature
- Ceramics
- Internship
- Ieee
- Filmmaking
- Presentation
- Robotics
- Tapestry
- Kiln
- Welding
- Apprenticeship
- Pottery
- Storytelling
- Networking
- Rehearsal
- Ceramic
- Blacksmith
- Participant
- Classroom
- Conducting
- Engel
- Screening
- Locomotive
- Apprentice
- Conference
- Canteen
- Int
- Entrepreneurship
- Songwriting
- Exhibition
- Empowerment
- Factory
- Jewellery
- Iowa
- Multimedia
- Theatre
- Overhaul
- Henson
- Stakeholder
- Craft
- Depot
- Garage
- Shed
- Calcutta
- Hangar
- Repertory
- Warehouse
- Designer
- Creativity
- Auditorium
- Ipswich
- Newsletter
- Forum
- Goldsmith
- Counseling
- Textile
- Educator
- Mechanical
- Laundry
- Claus
- Forge
- Repair
- Photography
- Instructor
- Wellness
- Bakery
- Professional
WORKSHOP, noun. A room, especially one which is not particularly large, used for manufacturing or other light industrial work.
WORKSHOP, noun. A brief, intensive course of education for a small group, emphasizing interaction and practical problem solving.
WORKSHOP, noun. An academic conference.
WORKSHOP, verb. (transitive) To help a playwright revise a draft of (a play) by rehearsing it with actors and critiquing the results.
Dictionary definition
WORKSHOP, noun. Small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done.
WORKSHOP, noun. A brief intensive course for a small group; emphasizes problem solving.
Wise words
Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one
another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon absolute