Associations to the word «Keynote»


KEYNOTE, noun. (music) The note on which a musical key is based; the tonic.
KEYNOTE, noun. The main theme of a speech, a written work, or a conference.
KEYNOTE, noun. A speech that sets the main theme of a conference or other gathering; a keynote speech or keynote address.
KEYNOTE, verb. (transitive) To deliver a speech that sets the main theme of a conference or other gathering.

Dictionary definition

KEYNOTE, noun. The principal theme in a speech or literary work.
KEYNOTE, noun. A fundamental or central idea.
KEYNOTE, noun. (music) the first note of a diatonic scale.
KEYNOTE, verb. Set the keynote of; "Comfort keynotes this designer's Fall collection".
KEYNOTE, verb. Give the keynote address to (an audience).

Wise words

The pen is mightier than the sword.
Edward George Bulwer-Lytton