Associations to the word «Lecture»
- Seminar
- Lecturer
- Keynote
- Professorship
- Gifford
- Symposium
- Temperance
- Workshop
- Topic
- Jurisprudence
- Hegel
- Ruskin
- Harvard
- Philology
- Yale
- Heidelberg
- Anatomy
- Preaching
- Jena
- Botany
- Professor
- Philosophy
- Yeshiva
- Theology
- Teaching
- Emerson
- Astronomy
- Huxley
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Semester
- Princeton
- University
- Aesthetics
- Faraday
- Stanford
- Auspice
- Textbook
- Physic
- Faculty
- Padua
- Steiner
- Tutor
- Uppsala
- Invitation
- Entrepreneurship
- Economics
- Rhetoric
- Zoology
- Darmstadt
- Subject
- Coleridge
- Ethic
- Seminary
- Massey
- Audience
- Institute
- Oxford
- Divinity
- Physiology
- Swami
- Geology
- Berkeley
- Chemistry
- Abolitionist
- Aristotle
- Edinburgh
- Linguistics
- Ethics
- Lowell
- Twain
- Institution
- Wilde
- Pulpit
- Pamphlet
- Archaeology
- Conference
- Bonn
- Freiburg
- Mathematic
- Cambridge
- Clemens
- Speaker
- Pedagogy
- Instructor
- Psychology
- Anthropology
LECTURE, noun. A spoken lesson or exposition, usually delivered to a group.
LECTURE, noun. A berating or scolding.
LECTURE, noun. (obsolete) The act of reading.
LECTURE, verb. (ambitransitive) To teach (somebody) by giving a speech on a given topic.
LECTURE, verb. (transitive) To preach, to berate, to scold.
LECTURE HALL, noun. A lecture theatre
LECTURE THEATRE, noun. A room in a university with many seats and a pitched floor, used to hold lectures.
Dictionary definition
LECTURE, noun. A speech that is open to the public; "he attended a lecture on telecommunications".
LECTURE, noun. A lengthy rebuke; "a good lecture was my father's idea of discipline"; "the teacher gave him a talking to".
LECTURE, noun. Teaching by giving a discourse on some subject (typically to a class).
LECTURE, verb. Deliver a lecture or talk; "She will talk at Rutgers next week"; "Did you ever lecture at Harvard?".
LECTURE, verb. Censure severely or angrily; "The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car"; "The deputy ragged the Prime Minister"; "The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup".
Wise words
Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings