Associations to the word «Economics»
- Economic
- Economist
- Nobel
- Mba
- Phd
- Bachelor
- Bsc
- Sociology
- Keynes
- Doctorate
- Finance
- Wharton
- Entrepreneurship
- Ba
- Summa
- Accounting
- Rationality
- Capitalism
- Professor
- Lecturer
- Bs
- Specialization
- Friedman
- Trickle
- Undergraduate
- Magna
- Harvard
- Emeritus
- Erasmus
- Laureate
- Faculty
- Mathematic
- Professorship
- Statistic
- University
- Equilibrium
- Stanford
- Globalization
- Diploma
- Economy
- Marxism
- Mathematics
- Politics
- Marx
- Sustainability
- Liberalism
- Studying
- Cornell
- Socialism
- Yale
- Journal
- Mellon
- Informatics
- Mcgill
- Incentive
- Textbook
- Science
- Anthropology
- Allocation
- Schumacher
- Thesis
- Maynard
- Ph
- Philosophy
- Neoclassical
- Laureate
- Degree
- Graduated
- Macro
- Normative
- Monetary
- Ecological
- Welfare
- Economic
- Feminist
- Postgraduate
- Graduate
- Textbook
- Methodological
- Studied
- Doctoral
- Marxist
- Quarterly
- Emeritus
- Capitalist
- Behavioral
- Quantitative
- Institutional
- Empirical
- Managerial
- Interdisciplinary
- Mainstream
- Marginal
- Agricultural
- Mathematical
- Austrian
ECONOMICS, noun. (social sciences) The study of resource allocation, distribution and consumption; of capital and investment; and of management of the factors of production.
Dictionary definition
ECONOMICS, noun. The branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management.
Wise words
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events,
not of words. Trust movement.