Associations to the word «Marxist»
- Marxism
- Communist
- Marx
- Capitalism
- Materialism
- Socialism
- Lenin
- Ideology
- Anarchist
- Capitalist
- Communism
- Theorist
- Feminist
- Bourgeois
- Imperialism
- Socialist
- Revolutionary
- Humanism
- Mao
- Historiography
- Bolshevik
- Ml
- Critique
- Dictatorship
- Fascism
- Sociologist
- Bloc
- Feminism
- Hegel
- Stalin
- Alienation
- Liberation
- Humanist
- Nepal
- Thinker
- Fascist
- Constantin
- Populist
- Guerrilla
- Leaning
- Unification
- Intellectual
- Vanguard
- Nationalism
- Bloch
- Neo
- Superstructure
- Orthodoxy
- Colonialism
- Sociology
- Exploitation
- Libertarian
- Oppression
- Castro
- Faction
- Soviet
- Revolution
- Dogma
- Hegemony
- Manifesto
- Bernstein
- Overthrow
- Idealism
- Regime
- Contradiction
- Militant
- Philosopher
- Splinter
- Party
- Nationalist
- Atheist
- Orthodox
- Theory
- Geographer
- Ism
- Radical
- Tendency
- Insurgency
- Frankfurt
MARXIST, adjective. Following the ideals of Marxism.
MARXIST, noun. One that believes in or follows the ideals of Marxism.
Dictionary definition
MARXIST, noun. An advocate of Marxism.
MARXIST, noun. Emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries.
MARXIST, adjective. Following the ideas of Marx and Engels.
Wise words
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events,
not of words. Trust movement.