Associations to the word «Party»
- Socialist
- Communist
- Janata
- Coalition
- Parti
- Opposition
- Birthday
- Marxist
- Libertarian
- Populist
- Conservative
- Knesset
- Bloc
- Unionist
- Nationalist
- Liberal
- Labour
- Democrat
- Caucus
- Candidate
- Faction
- Candidacy
- Republican
- Peoples
- Federalist
- Kurdistan
- Whig
- Election
- Bolshevik
- Radical
- Party
- Moderate
- Socialism
- Gael
- Vote
- Fascist
- Breakaway
- Pap
- Alliance
- Democracy
- Islamist
- Nominee
- Constituency
- Ballot
- Leader
- Cadre
- Leadership
- Mp
- Solidarity
- Primary
- Manifesto
- Electorate
- Deputy
- Voter
- Unity
- Marxism
- Lenin
- Congress
- Spokesperson
- Drinking
- Dal
- Independent
- Plurality
- Parliament
- Conservatism
- Seat
- Landslide
- Splinter
- Parliamentarian
Pictures for the word «Party»
PARTY, noun. (legal) A person or group of people constituting a particular side in a contract or legal action.
PARTY, noun. (heading) A person.
PARTY, noun. (slang) (dated) A person; an individual.
PARTY, noun. With to: an accessory, someone who takes part.
PARTY, noun. (now rare in general sense) A group of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc.
PARTY, noun. A political group considered as a formal whole, united under one specific political platform of issues and campaigning to take part in government.
PARTY, noun. (military) A discrete detachment of troops, especially for a particular purpose.
PARTY, noun. (heading) A social gathering.
PARTY, noun. A gathering of usually invited guests for entertainment, fun and socializing.
PARTY, noun. A group of people traveling or attending an event together, or participating in the same activity.
PARTY, noun. A gathering of acquaintances so that one of them may offer items for sale to the rest of them.
PARTY, noun. (heading) (gaming) Participants.
PARTY, noun. (online gaming) Active player characters organized into a single group.
PARTY, noun. (video games) Group of characters controlled by the player.
PARTY, noun. (obsolete) A part or division.
PARTY, verb. (intransitive) To celebrate at a party, to have fun, to enjoy oneself.
PARTY, verb. (intransitive) (slang) (euphemistic) To take recreational drugs.
PARTY, verb. (gaming) (online gaming) (intransitive) To form a party (with).
PARTY, adjective. (obsolete) (except in compounds) Divided; in part.
PARTY, adjective. (heraldry) Parted or divided, as in the direction or form of one of the ordinaries.
PARTY, adverb. (obsolete) Partly.
PARTY AND PARTY COSTS, noun. (legal) an award granted by a court in a legal proceeding to one party requiring another party to pay an amount of the first party's legal costs, excluding lawyer fees.
PARTY ANIMAL, noun. (idiomatic) A person known for frequent, enthusiastic attendance at parties, especially one whose partying behavior is exuberant or excessive.
PARTY ANIMALS, noun. Plural of party animal
PARTY BAG, noun. A goody bag handed out to those who have attended a party, especially one for a child's birthday.
PARTY BAGS, noun. Plural of party bag
PARTY BUS, noun. A bus, often, a converted school bus, or other large vehicle used to transport large numbers of people to strip clubs, taverns and other party spots.
PARTY DRESS, noun. A woman's dress that is too elegant, revealing, dressy or impractical for normal wear.
PARTY FAVOR, noun. (US) A small gift given to a guest at a party, as a souvenir.
PARTY FAVOR, noun. (informal) (euphemistic) A narcotic, particularly an amphetamine, to be shared at a gathering.
PARTY FAVORS, noun. Plural of party favor
PARTY GAME, noun. A game played at a party, such as musical chairs or charades.
PARTY GAME, noun. (video games) A multiplayer game, usually consisting of a series of short minigames, that can be easily played in a social setting.
PARTY GAMES, noun. Plural of party game
PARTY GIRL, noun. A woman, especially one who is young, who is known for her enthusiastic and frequent attendance of parties; a female party animal.
PARTY GIRL, noun. (euphemistic) A prostitute.
PARTY GIRLS, noun. Plural of party girl
PARTY HARDY, verb. (idiom) (slang) to party very hard, possibly not remembering later what happened at the party
PARTY HAT, noun. A simple hat worn at parties, usually conical and made of cardboard.
PARTY HATS, noun. Plural of party hat
PARTY HEARTY, verb. (idiom) To engage in unrestrained merriment.
PARTY HORN, noun. A paper or plastic tube which may be blown into to create a sound, and sometimes is rolled up in a coil which unrolls and straightens out when blown.
PARTY HORNS, noun. Plural of party horn
PARTY IN ONE'S MOUTH, noun. (informal) An exciting combination of flavours.
PARTY LINE, noun. A single telephone line which is shared by two or more households.
PARTY LINE, noun. The official policy of a political party or other organization.
PARTY LINES, noun. Plural of party line
PARTY OF NO, proper noun. (neologism) (pejorative) The Republican Party of the United States.
PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, noun. (legal) (archaic) The party to a legal dispute who first raised a complaint in a court.
PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, noun. (legal) (archaic) The first party named in a contract, generally the party agreeing to perform a duty thereunder.
PARTY OF THE SECOND PART, noun. (legal) (archaic) The party to a legal dispute against whom a complaint was initially raised in a court.
PARTY OF THE SECOND PART, noun. (legal) (archaic) The second party named in a contract, generally the party to whom a duty is initially owed, and who is obligated to perform in response to the performance of that initial duty.
PARTY PASTIE, noun. (Australia) A small pastie intended as a party snack.
PARTY PIE, noun. (Australia) A small meat pie, perhaps about 5 centimetres by 3 centimetres, intended as a party snack. [1]
PARTY POLITICAL BROADCAST, noun. (British) a short radio or television broadcast made by a political party
PARTY POLITICAL BROADCASTS, noun. Plural of party political broadcast
PARTY POLITICS, noun. Politics that is dominated by rivalry between political parties
PARTY POOPER, noun. (idiomatic) One who dampens fun; especially, one who declines to participate in or enjoy a party or some other group activity; one who does not agree with the opinions of a group.
PARTY POOPERS, noun. Plural of party pooper
PARTY POPPER, noun. A novelty item containing confetti or streamers and a small explosive charge, used at parties.
PARTY POWDER, noun. (informal) Any legal substance, in the form of a powder, offering the effects of a recreational drug.
PARTY POWDERS, noun. Plural of party powder
PARTY PUFFER, noun. A cylindrical blowing device that consists of a mouthpiece, which may or may not be a whistle, attached to a coiled tube of paper, given to guests and used at large celebrations especially New Year's Eve, or birthdays. When the mouthpiece is blown into, the paper tube unravels and a humorous festive noise is produced.
PARTY PUFFERS, noun. Plural of party puffer
PARTY RING, noun. A kind of British biscuit, round with a hole in the middle and a layer of hard coloured icing on top.
PARTY RINGS, noun. Plural of party ring
PARTY SAUSAGE ROLL, noun. (Australia) A small sausage roll intended as a party snack.
PARTY SCHOOL, noun. (colloquial) A college, university, or any institution of higher learning in which there exists a culture of ribaldry and licentiousness amongst the student population.
PARTY SCHOOLS, noun. Plural of party school
PARTY STATE, noun. A state in which power is held by a single political party.
PARTY TO, adjective. (idiomatic) Privy to; having knowledge of.
PARTY TRAY, noun. A shallow flat receptacle with a raised edge or rim, used for carrying, holding, or displaying appetizers.
PARTY TRAY, noun. One such tray with prepared appetizers arranged on it.
PARTY WALL, noun. A commonly shared wall dividing two properties within a row house (or terrace)
PARTY WALLS, noun. Plural of party wall
PARTY WHIP, noun. (politics) Within a legislative body, a member appointed by a political party and given the authority to ensure that all members of that party participate in voting and vote strictly as directed by the party in all votes where adherence to a party line is required.
Dictionary definition
PARTY, noun. An organization to gain political power; "in 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level".
PARTY, noun. A group of people gathered together for pleasure; "she joined the party after dinner".
PARTY, noun. A band of people associated temporarily in some activity; "they organized a party to search for food"; "the company of cooks walked into the kitchen".
PARTY, noun. An occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment; "he planned a party to celebrate Bastille Day".
PARTY, noun. A person involved in legal proceedings; "the party of the first part".
PARTY, verb. Have or participate in a party; "The students were partying all night before the exam".
Wise words
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends.