Associations to the word «Caucus»
- Democrat
- Republican
- Legislator
- Independent
- Bernie
- Delegate
- Sanders
- Conservative
- Senate
- Liberal
- Iowa
- Ballot
- Senator
- Majority
- Vermont
- Candidate
- Party
- Caucus
- Vote
- Supporter
- Committee
- Assembly
- Election
- Minnesota
- Parti
- Labor
- Member
- Primary
- Romney
- Sportsman
- Precinct
- House
- Alberta
- Chairperson
- Legislative
- Libertarian
- Whip
- Subcommittee
- Hillary
- Endorsement
- Membership
- Congressman
- Chair
- Minority
- Clinton
- Convention
- Candidacy
- Rep
- Seniority
- Lesbian
- Poll
- Parliamentarian
- Leadership
- Chairman
- Delegation
- Nominee
- Knesset
- Legislature
- Dole
- Bloc
- Federalist
- Elect
- Nevada
- Alp
- Interim
- Rudd
- Cowan
- Seat
- Premier
- Trump
- Representative
- Coalition
- Hampshire
- Polling
- Hispanic
- Tuesday
- Opposition
CAUCUS, noun. (US) A meeting, especially a preliminary meeting, of persons belonging to a party, to nominate candidates for public office, or to select delegates to a nominating convention, or to confer regarding measures of party policy; a political primary meeting.
CAUCUS, noun. (US) (Canada) A grouping of all the members of a legislature from the same party.
CAUCUS, verb. (US) To meet and participate in caucus.
CAUCUS RACE, noun. (US) (idiomatic) The competitive process in which a political party selects their candidate, especially presidential; a primary election via caucus.
CAUCUS RACE, noun. (US) (idiomatic) A political competition; the game of campaigning and one-upmanship to get votes and be elected.
CAUCUS RACE, noun. (originally British) (idiomatic) A laborious but arbitrary and futile activity; an activity that amounts to running around in a circle, expending great energy but not accomplishing anything.
CAUCUS RACE, noun. A win-win system; a positive system in which everybody wins.
CAUCUS RACES, noun. Plural of caucus race
Dictionary definition
CAUCUS, noun. A closed political meeting.
CAUCUS, verb. Meet to select a candidate or promote a policy.
Wise words
The words of truth are simple.