Associations to the word «Candidacy»
- Endorsement
- Presidency
- Libertarian
- Nomination
- Filing
- Reelection
- Governorship
- Candidate
- Primary
- Romney
- Hillary
- Certificate
- Republican
- Election
- Trump
- Ballot
- Announcement
- Deadline
- Caroline
- Accreditation
- Poe
- Democrat
- Campaigning
- Nominee
- Incumbent
- Populist
- Caucus
- Senate
- Mayor
- Senator
- Voter
- Party
- Supporter
- Congressman
- Gilmore
- Electorate
- Klan
- Contender
- Nixon
- Clinton
- Lula
- Poll
- Governor
- Conservative
- Polling
- Vote
- Resignation
- Delegate
- Colbert
- Speculation
- Leadership
- Coalition
- Campaign
- Paperwork
- Parti
- Opposition
- Bid
- Elector
- Dole
- Socialist
- Whig
CANDIDACY, noun. The state, or act of being a candidate
Dictionary definition
CANDIDACY, noun. The campaign of a candidate to be elected.
Wise words
The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two
words when one will do.