Associations to the word «Dole»
- Ration
- Allowance
- Bread
- Pineapple
- Food
- Money
- Kemp
- Bob
- Files
- Clinton
- Sanford
- Queue
- Ibid
- Punishment
- Senator
- Pri
- Guillaume
- Fund
- Reagan
- Unemployment
- Banana
- Nominee
- Hawaii
- Republican
- Coffin
- Honolulu
- Alms
- Elizabeth
- Kansas
- Buchanan
- Gore
- Dow
- Aggie
- Shawnee
- Liquor
- Ballard
- Rockefeller
- Congressman
- Senate
- Slovenia
- Caucus
- Nutrition
- Cooke
- Lamar
- Thurston
- Primary
- Plantation
- Greenwood
- Nixon
- Coin
- Sumner
- Blunt
- Bush
- Yeast
- Ronald
- Cherokee
- Salad
- Endorsement
- Margin
- Madge
- Dil
- Hillary
- Candidacy
- Challenger
- Gerald
- Thatcher
- Kay
- Moderate
- Monte
- Footnote
- Annexation
- Portion
- Asha
- Burgundy
- Drummond
- Taxpayer
- Allotment
- Comfort
- Hove
- Campaign
- Lobbying
- Addict
- Kitchen
- Mate
- Shilling
- Ford
DOLE, verb. To distribute in small amounts; to share out small portions of a meager resource.
DOLE, noun. Money or other goods given as charity.
DOLE, noun. Distribution; dealing; apportionment.
DOLE, noun. (informal) Payment by the state to the unemployed.
DOLE, noun. A boundary; a landmark.
DOLE, noun. (UK) (dialect) A void space left in tillage.
DOLE, noun. (archaic) Sorrow or grief; dolour.
DOLE, noun. (legal) (Scotland) dolus
DOLE BLUDGER, noun. (Australia) (New Zealand) (pejorative) (slang) An unemployed person who has no intention of seeking a job, and survives on government-funded unemployment benefits.
DOLE BLUDGERS, noun. Plural of dole bludger
DOLE MEADOW, noun. A meadow in which several persons have a common right or share.
DOLE OUT, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To distribute in small amounts.
Dictionary definition
DOLE, noun. A share of money or food or clothing that has been charitably given.
DOLE, noun. Money received from the state.
Wise words
He that hath knowledge spareth his words.