Associations to the word «Primary»
- Secondary
- Runoff
- Republican
- Caucus
- Kindergarten
- Nominee
- Hillary
- Amine
- Rc
- Nursery
- Cortex
- Baccalaureate
- Romney
- Vote
- Ballot
- Schooling
- Polling
- Candidacy
- Endorsement
- Candidate
- Incumbent
- Challenger
- Delegate
- Intermediate
- Metabolite
- Reelection
- Syphilis
- Lymphoma
- Election
- Govt
- Plurality
- Carcinoma
- Nomination
- Fission
- Hypertension
- Transformer
- Tumor
- Ary
- Cns
- Feeder
- Coil
- School
- Schools
- Neuron
- Bile
- Affiliation
- Curriculum
- Education
- Grade
- Sludge
- Reflector
- Pk
- Transcript
- Rainforest
- Prevention
- Pupil
- Rematch
- Telescope
- Diploma
- Libertarian
- Stimulation
- Voter
PRIMARY, adjective. The first in a group or series.
PRIMARY, adjective. Main; principal; placed ahead of others.
PRIMARY, adjective. (geology) Earliest formed; fundamental.
PRIMARY, adjective. (chemistry) Illustrating, possessing, or characterized by, some quality or property in the first degree; having undergone the first stage of substitution or replacement.
PRIMARY, adjective. (medicine) Relating to the place where a disorder or disease started to occur.
PRIMARY, adjective. (medicine) Relating to day-to-day care provided by health professionals such as nurses, general practitioners, dentists etc.
PRIMARY, noun. A primary election; a preliminary election to select a political candidate of a political party.
PRIMARY, noun. The first year of grade school.
PRIMARY, noun. A base or fundamental component; something that is irreducible.
PRIMARY, noun. The most massive component of a gravitationally bound system.
PRIMARY, noun. A primary school.
PRIMARY, noun. (ornithology) Any flight feather attached to the manus (hand) of a bird.
PRIMARY, noun. A primary colour.
PRIMARY, noun. (electronics) A directly driven inductive coil, as in a transformer or induction motor that is magnetically coupled to a secondary
PRIMARY, verb. (US) (intransitive) To take part in a primary election.
PRIMARY, verb. (US) (politics) To challenge an incumbent sitting politician for their political party's endorsement to run for re-election, through running a challenger campaign in a primary election
PRIMARY ALCOHOL, noun. (chemistry) Any alcohol of general formula R-CH2-OH
PRIMARY ALCOHOLS, noun. Plural of primary alcohol
PRIMARY AMINE, noun. (chemistry) An amine, containing a single radical, of general formula R-NH2
PRIMARY AMINES, noun. Plural of primary amine
PRIMARY CARE, noun. (healthcare) The medical attention that a patient receives upon first contact with a healthcare system; either a general practitioner or the A&E or ER department of a hospital.
PRIMARY CELL WALL, noun. (biology) The semipermeable, outer cell wall of plant cells
PRIMARY CILIA, noun. Plural of primary cilium
PRIMARY CILIUM, noun. (biology) non-motile single cilium
PRIMARY COLOR, noun. Alternative spelling of primary colour
PRIMARY COLORS, noun. Plural of primary color
PRIMARY COLOUR, noun. Any of three colours which, when added to or subtracted from others in different amounts, can generate all other colours
PRIMARY COLOURS, noun. Plural of primary colour
PRIMARY DATA, noun. Data that has been compiled for a specific purpose, and has not been collated or merged with others
PRIMARY EDUCATION, noun. The basic schooling given to children up to the age of puberty including reading, writing, and basic math.
PRIMARY ELECTION, noun. (politics) A preliminary election to select a political candidate of a political party.
PRIMARY ENERGY, noun. The energy contained in a fuel before it is processed
PRIMARY HYPOTHERMIA, noun. Hypothermia caused by exposure to a cold environment.
PRIMARY IMMUNODEFICIENCY, noun. (medicine) Any of the many genetic disorders due to an aspect of the body's immune system being either absent or failing to function normally.
PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, noun. Plural of primary industry
PRIMARY INDUSTRY, noun. (economics) An industry that processes raw materials for conversion by secondary industry into goods or services sold by tertiary industry to provide goods or services to consumers.
PRIMARY KEY, noun. (computing, database) In the design of a database table, the primary key (abbreviated PK) is selected among the non-empty set of candidate keys. The PK is a column (or an irreducible group of columns) able to identify every row of the table.
PRIMARY KEYS, noun. Plural of primary key
PRIMARY MARKET, noun. (finance) The part of the financial markets that deals with the issuance of new securities.
PRIMARY OFFENSE, noun. (legal) The most serious offence of a group of offenses that a person committed at the same time, or is charged with committing at the same time.
PRIMARY OFFENSE, noun. (US) (legal) An offence of such seriousness that a police officer may arrest the person involved, or impose an instant fine.
PRIMARY OFFENSES, noun. Plural of primary offense
PRIMARY PHOSPHINE, noun. (chemistry) any compound of general formula R-PH2
PRIMARY PRODUCER, noun. A person or organization producing basic agricultural commodities, such as a farmer or cattle producer.
PRIMARY PRODUCER, noun. (biology) An autotroph organism producing complex organic matter, using photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.
PRIMARY PRODUCTION, noun. The organic matter produced from carbon dioxide by photosynthesis
PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE, noun. (telecommunications) an ISDN service delivered over T1 , E1 or J1 datalines, with delivery of connections between 1472 kilobits per second and 1984 kilobits per second (kibibits)
PRIMARY REINFORCEMENT, noun. (psychology) A consequence, such as food or water, that fulfills a primary, unlearned drive, such as hunger or thirst, and thereby reinforces a behavior without dependence on prior learning.
PRIMARY REINFORCEMENTS, noun. Plural of primary reinforcement
PRIMARY RESEARCH, noun. The research that involves the collection of data that does not yet exist.
PRIMARY RESIDENCE, noun. The dwelling where a person usually lives. A person may have only one primary residence at any given time and is used for legal purposes such as determining where a person votes or pays taxes.
PRIMARY RESIDENCES, noun. Plural of primary residence. Note: the primary residence of multiple people since each person can have only one primary residence.
PRIMARY SCHOOL, noun. (British) (schools) The first formal, obligatory school. Usually begins with nursery school or first grade and ends at fifth or sixth grade.
PRIMARY SCHOOLS, noun. Plural of primary school
PRIMARY SECTOR, noun. (economics) The sector of the economy that principally produces raw materials for use by other sectors.
PRIMARY SECTORS, noun. Plural of primary sector
PRIMARY SOURCE, noun. (historiography) A historical document that was created at or near the time of the events studied, by a known person, for a known purpose
PRIMARY SOURCES, noun. Plural of primary source
PRIMARY STRUCTURE, noun. (biochemistry) the linear sequence of amino acids covalently linked by peptide bonds to form a single polypeptide chain
PRIMARY TEETH, noun. Plural of primary tooth
PRIMARY TOOTH, noun. Milk tooth
PRIMARY TRANSCRIPT, noun. (genetics) The RNA molecule that is produced by transcription of DNA, before splicing or polyadenylation
PRIMARY VALENCE, noun. (chemistry) in a coordination compound, the number of negative ions needed to satisfy the charge on the central metal ion
PRIMARY WORLD, noun. (fantasy) The real world of the reader or viewer, as opposed to the imaginary "secondary world" of a work of fiction.
PRIMARY WORLDS, noun. Plural of primary world
Dictionary definition
PRIMARY, noun. A preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen.
PRIMARY, noun. One of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing.
PRIMARY, noun. (astronomy) a celestial body (especially a star) relative to other objects in orbit around it.
PRIMARY, noun. Coil forming the part of an electrical circuit such that changing current in it induces a current in a neighboring circuit; "current through the primary coil induces current in the secondary coil".
PRIMARY, adjective. Of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondary; "primary goals"; "a primary effect"; "primary sources"; "a primary interest".
PRIMARY, adjective. Not derived from or reducible to something else; basic; "a primary instinct".
PRIMARY, adjective. Most important element; "the chief aim of living"; "the main doors were of solid glass"; "the principal rivers of America"; "the principal example"; "policemen were primary targets"; "the master bedroom"; "a master switch".
PRIMARY, adjective. Of or being the essential or basic part; "an elementary need for love and nurturing".
PRIMARY, adjective. Of primary importance.
Wise words
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not
truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words
are not good.