Associations to the word «Klan»
- Ku
- Stephenson
- Naacp
- Forrest
- Supremacy
- Simmons
- Racism
- Freedman
- Reconstruction
- Semitism
- Segregation
- Southerner
- Intolerance
- Bowers
- Informant
- Burning
- Shelton
- Nazis
- Arson
- Rally
- Violence
- Cyclops
- Defamation
- Organizer
- Fbi
- Hiram
- Membership
- Brewster
- Catholicism
- Backlash
- Mississippi
- Catholic
- Recruitment
- Conspiracy
- Byrd
- Alabama
- Holden
- Bombing
- Black
- Mildred
- Hays
- Anti
- Knight
- Offshoot
- Mob
- African
- Terrorism
- Griffith
- Robe
- Enforcement
- Populist
- Nigger
- Indiana
- Rune
- Outrage
- Evans
- Dixon
- Bedford
- Candidacy
- Pulitzer
- Demonstrator
- Editorial
- Riot
- Madge
- Activist
- Prohibition
- Hate
- Auxiliary
- Militia
- Tulsa
- Endorsement
KLAN, proper noun. Ku Klux Klan
KLAN, noun. Alternative letter-case form of Klan
Dictionary definition
KLAN, noun. A secret society of white Southerners in the United States; was formed in the 19th century to resist the emancipation of slaves; used terrorist tactics to suppress Black people.
Wise words
All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast
of the mind.