Associations to the word «Democrat»
- Turnout
- Republican
- Whig
- Ballot
- Reelection
- Populist
- Conservative
- Voter
- Romney
- Liberal
- Libertarian
- Christie
- Coalition
- Cymru
- Incumbent
- Vote
- Governorship
- Independent
- Kerry
- Councillor
- Senate
- Caucus
- Landslide
- Election
- Socialist
- Candidate
- Moderate
- Vacancy
- Candidacy
- Labour
- Grover
- Plurality
- Congress
- Party
- Nominee
- Senator
- Woodrow
- Primary
- Representative
- Southerner
- Lyndon
- Legislature
- Seat
- Reagan
- Congressman
- Federalist
- Parti
- Hillary
- Runoff
- Endorsement
- Legislator
- Impeachment
- Majority
- Sixty
- Fifty
- Clinton
- Nixon
- Aristocrat
- Unionist
- Alliance
- Radical
- Delegation
- Mp
- Eighth
DEMOCRAT, noun. A supporter of democracy; an advocate of democratic politics (originally as opposed to the aristocrats in Revolutionary France).
DEMOCRAT, noun. Someone who rules a representative democracy.
DEMOCRAT, noun. (US) (historical) A large light uncovered wagon with two or more seats.
DEMOCRAT, noun. (politics) A member or supporter of the Democratic Party in the United States.
DEMOCRAT, noun. (politics) A member or supporter of the Australian Democrats, a liberal political party.
DEMOCRAT, adjective. (politics) Of or belonging to the Democratic Party in the United States.
DEMOCRAT WAGON, noun. (US) (dated) A light flatbed farm wagon or ranch wagon that has two or more seats and is usually drawn by one or sometimes two horses.
Dictionary definition
DEMOCRAT, noun. A member of the Democratic Party.
DEMOCRAT, noun. An advocate of democratic principles.
Wise words
Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but
principally by catch words.