Associations to the word «Sixty»
- Fifty
- Eighteen
- Forty
- Seventy
- Eighty
- Ninety
- Thirty
- Eight
- Franc
- Five
- Livre
- Dollar
- Twenty
- Sixteen
- Seven
- Nine
- Upward
- Acre
- Fathom
- Kilometer
- Sixty
- Four
- Complement
- Seventeen
- Cent
- Circumference
- Expectancy
- Hundred
- Peso
- Centimeter
- Ninth
- Vacancy
- Six
- Breadth
- Kilogram
- Cadillac
- Shilling
- Multiple
- Thermometer
- Ounce
- Expiration
- Fifteen
- Foot
- Fourteen
- Reelection
- Horsepower
- Thirteen
- Galley
- Proclamation
- Nineteen
- Poverty
- Birthday
- Twelve
- Limousine
- Eighth
- Medicare
- Annum
- Mccartney
- Sixth
- Congress
- Easterly
- Mile
SIXTY CYCLE HUM, noun. The sound generated by the alternation of current in electronic devices.
Dictionary definition
SIXTY, noun. The cardinal number that is the product of ten and six.
SIXTY, adjective. Being ten more than fifty.
Wise words
Every creature is a word of God.