Associations to the word «Birthday»


BIRTHDAY, noun. The anniversary of the day on which someone is born. [From 1570s]
BIRTHDAY, noun. The anniversary of the day on which something is created.
BIRTHDAY, noun. The date on which someone is born or something is created, more commonly called birthdate or date of birth.
BIRTHDAY ATTACK, noun. A method of code decryption which exploits the so-called birthday paradox.
BIRTHDAY BOY, noun. A male (man or boy) whose birthday it is.
BIRTHDAY BOYS, noun. Plural of birthday boy
BIRTHDAY CAKE, noun. A cake, often iced and decorated, made to celebrate a person's birthday.
BIRTHDAY CAKES, noun. Plural of birthday cake
BIRTHDAY CARD, noun. A greeting card given to someone to celebrate his or her birthday. (This entry is here for translation purposes only.)
BIRTHDAY CARDS, noun. Plural of birthday card
BIRTHDAY GIRL, noun. A female (woman or girl) whose birthday it is.
BIRTHDAY GIRLS, noun. Plural of birthday girl
BIRTHDAY PARADOX, noun. (mathematics) The counterintuitive observation that a random group of people needs to have only 23 members before there is a 50% chance of two of them having the same birthday.
BIRTHDAY SUIT, noun. (idiomatic) Nakedness; an exposure of a human's natural anatomy without clothing
BIRTHDAY SUITS, noun. Plural of birthday suit

Dictionary definition

BIRTHDAY, noun. An anniversary of the day on which a person was born (or the celebration of it).
BIRTHDAY, noun. The date on which a person was born.

Wise words

Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every man.
Victor Hugo