Associations to the word «Knighthood»
- Chivalry
- Chancery
- Baronetcy
- Cbe
- Peerage
- Precedence
- Quixote
- Templar
- Knight
- Honour
- Obe
- Nobility
- Esquire
- Awarding
- Accolade
- Buckingham
- Chevalier
- Squire
- Sovereign
- Fleece
- Lancelot
- Insignia
- Damsel
- Ritter
- Grail
- Precept
- Spur
- Merit
- Birthday
- Coronation
- Crusade
- Percival
- Lettre
- Myles
- Order
- Ideal
- Queen
- Nassau
- Thou
- Religious
- Christendom
- Bench
- Decoration
- Solicitor
- Thatcher
- Vigil
- Legion
- Malcolm
- Barber
- Cuthbert
- Appointment
- Romance
- Bath
- Chaucer
- Dame
- Blunt
- Thistle
- Deed
- Livre
- Recognition
KNIGHTHOOD, noun. An honour whereby one is made into a knight, and one can thereafter be called "Sir"
KNIGHTHOOD, noun. The quality of being a knight.
KNIGHTHOOD, noun. The knights collectively, the body of knights.
Dictionary definition
KNIGHTHOOD, noun. Aristocrats holding the rank of knight.
Wise words
Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the
human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.