Associations to the word «Bath»


BATH, noun. A tub or pool which is used for bathing: bathtub.
BATH, noun. A building or area where bathing occurs.
BATH, noun. The act of bathing.
BATH, noun. A substance or preparation in which something is immersed.
BATH, verb. (transitive) To wash a person or animal in a bath
BATH, noun. (biblical) An ancient Hebrew unit of liquid volume measure, equal to an ephah and to one-tenth of a homer, and approximately equal to 22 litres.
BATH, proper noun. A city in Somerset, England, famous for its baths fed by a hot spring.
BATH, proper noun. A village in Illinois
BATH, proper noun. An unincorporated town in Indiana
BATH, proper noun. A town and mineral spring in Jamaica
BATH, proper noun. A city in Maine
BATH, proper noun. A village in the Netherlands
BATH, proper noun. A village in New Brunswick
BATH, proper noun. A town in New Hampshire
BATH, proper noun. A town in New York
BATH, proper noun. A town in North Carolina
BATH, proper noun. A borough in Pennsylvania
BATH, proper noun. (rare) (nonstandard) (usually in the phrase ‘Bath Party’) A secular Arab nationalist political party present in several countries in the Middle East, most prominently Iraq and Syria.
BATH BOMB, noun. A hard-packed mixture of chemicals which effervesces when wet, used to add scent and colour to bathwater.
BATH BOMBS, noun. Plural of bath bomb
BATH BOOK, noun. A waterproof book for children that can be read in the bath.
BATH BOOKS, noun. Plural of bath book
BATH BRICK, noun. A preparation of calcareous earth, in the form of a brick, used for cleaning knives etc.
BATH CHAIR, noun. (historical) an early form of wheelchair with three wheels, used to transport ladies or invalids, common in Victorian England
BATH CHAIRS, noun. Plural of Bath chair
BATH CHAPS, noun. The salted smoked cheek and jawbones of a pig, used as food.
BATH COUP, noun. (bridge) A coup where the declarer, holding AJx in a suit, ducks the left-hand opponent's lead of a king or queen.
BATH CUBE, noun. Bath salts in the form of a cube that dissolves when placed in water
BATH CUBES, noun. Plural of bath cube
BATH KIMONO, noun. A bathrobe in the style of a Japanese kimono
BATH MAT, noun. A small mat used next to a bathtub to absorb water and thus prevent slipping.
BATH MATS, noun. Plural of bath mat
BATH METAL, noun. An alloy consisting of four and a half ounces of zinc per pound of copper.
BATH OLIVER, noun. A hard dry biscuit made from flour, butter, yeast and milk; often eaten with cheese.
BATH OLIVERS, noun. Plural of Bath Oliver
BATH PEARL, noun. (mostly plural) bath salts in the form of a small sphere that dissolves when placed in water
BATH PEARLS, noun. Plural of bath pearl
BATH SALT, noun. (chiefly in the plural) Any of several inorganic salts sometimes added to bath water.
BATH SALT, noun. (slang) (psychedelic drug culture) Any of a class of methylenedioxypyrovalerone-based psychoactive recreational drugs.
BATH SALTS, noun. Plural of bath salt
BATH TIME, noun. The time of day when a person has, or is given, a bath
BATH TIMES, noun. Plural of bath time
BATH TOWEL, noun.  A towel used to dry the body
BATH TOWELS, noun. Plural of bath towel
BATH TUB, noun. Alternative form of bathtub
BATH WATER, noun. Alternative form of bathwater

Dictionary definition

BATH, noun. A vessel containing liquid in which something is immersed (as to process it or to maintain it at a constant temperature or to lubricate it); "she soaked the etching in an acid bath".
BATH, noun. You soak and wash your body in a bathtub; "he has a good bath every morning".
BATH, noun. A relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body.
BATH, noun. An ancient Hebrew liquid measure equal to about 10 gallons.
BATH, noun. A town in southwestern England on the River Avon; famous for its hot springs and Roman remains.
BATH, noun. A room (as in a residence) containing a bathtub or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet.
BATH, verb. Clean one's body by immersion into water; "The child should bathe every day".

Wise words

Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.
Nathaniel Hawthorne