Associations to the word «Bedroom»
- Bathroom
- Closet
- Attic
- Sitting
- Hallway
- Verandah
- Parlor
- Kitchen
- Dresser
- Suite
- Parlour
- Fireplace
- Dressing
- Slipper
- Mattress
- Apartment
- Wardrobe
- Cupboard
- Staircase
- Balcony
- Drawer
- Sleeper
- Towel
- Bath
- Patio
- Furniture
- Laundry
- Stair
- Bed
- Bungalow
- Floor
- Room
- Lounge
- Toilet
- Furnishing
- Sofa
- Mahogany
- Door
- Curtain
- Suitcase
- Underwear
- Loft
- Sleeping
- Pillow
- Ceiling
- Doorway
- Window
- Condominium
- Stairway
- Shower
- Basement
- Candle
- Foyer
- Storey
- Poster
- Rug
- Flat
- Kayla
- Veranda
- Garage
- Dormitory
- Porch
- Accommodation
- Couch
- Housemate
- Nursery
- Refrigerator
- Roarke
- Quilt
- Bunk
- Corridor
- Clothes
- Maid
- Carpet
- Valet
Pictures for the word «Bedroom»
BEDROOM, noun. A room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping.
BEDROOM COMMUNITY, noun. An urban community that is primarily residential, from which most of the workforce commutes out to earn their livelihood; often a suburb of a nearby metropolis that workers travel to daily.
BEDROOM EYES, noun. (idiomatic) Eyes that have a sexually suggestive expression.
Dictionary definition
BEDROOM, noun. A room used primarily for sleeping.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.