Associations to the word «Padded»
- Cushion
- Nimitz
- Bra
- Paw
- Strap
- Tunic
- Bench
- Foam
- Quilt
- Jacket
- Windshield
- Glove
- Mattress
- Steering
- Stool
- Crutch
- Zero
- Couch
- Helmet
- Leather
- Mallet
- Chair
- Byte
- Vest
- Nylon
- Bathroom
- Trouser
- Clamp
- Dash
- Bandage
- Vinyl
- Hose
- Carpet
- Rug
- Slipper
- Towel
- Perch
- Thud
- Pad
- Breech
- Waist
- Bunk
- Hallway
- Landau
- Fabric
- Claw
- Wool
- Seating
- Harness
- Goggle
- Compartment
- Garment
- Flannel
- Crate
- Foyer
- Visor
- Multiple
- Dyeing
- Shoulder
- Armor
- Seat
- Clicking
- Tight
- Sleeve
- Armour
- Underwear
- Molding
- Robe
- Waistcoat
- Groin
- Folder
PADDED, adjective. Having padding.
PADDED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of pad
Dictionary definition
PADDED, adjective. Softened by the addition of cushions or padding.
Wise words
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing
in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in
the hands of one who knows how to combine them.