Associations to the word «Waistcoat»
- Breech
- Trouser
- Buttons
- Frock
- Stocking
- Flannel
- Coat
- Buckle
- Shirt
- Vest
- Petticoat
- Overcoat
- Wig
- Collar
- Jacket
- Cuff
- Whisker
- Lace
- Boots
- Embroidery
- Stud
- Tailor
- Hat
- Moustache
- Scarf
- Lining
- Glove
- Button
- Handkerchief
- Brim
- Coloured
- Tweed
- Sleeve
- Thumb
- Shoe
- Wearer
- Slipper
- Shawl
- Sash
- Fawn
- Gown
- Garment
- Attire
- Napkin
- Flap
- Cloth
- Blouse
- Dress
- Strait
- Waist
- Dandy
- Dangling
- Apron
- Wear
- Braid
- Cigar
- Elegance
- Brace
WAISTCOAT, noun. An ornamental garment worn under a doublet.
WAISTCOAT, noun. (chiefly British) A sleeveless, collarless garment worn over a shirt and under a suit jacket.
Dictionary definition
WAISTCOAT, noun. A man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat.
Wise words
A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there
is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to
take away.