Associations to the word «Shabby»
- Overcoat
- Frock
- Gondola
- Clothes
- Waistcoat
- Trouser
- Attire
- Coat
- Furniture
- Hat
- Slipper
- Dress
- Gown
- Flannel
- Cloak
- Tweed
- Shawl
- Tunic
- Sofa
- Garment
- Lodging
- Garb
- Carpet
- Sweater
- Boots
- Bonnet
- Glove
- Looking
- Rug
- Jacket
- Clothing
- Parlour
- Rag
- Splendour
- Attic
- Shoe
- Uniform
- Stocking
- Mean
- Lace
- Collar
- Wardrobe
- Mahogany
- Magnificence
- Splendor
- Briefcase
- Furnishing
- Ill
- Visage
- Garret
- Parlor
- Crutch
- Curtain
- Exterior
SHABBY, adjective. Torn or worn; poor; mean; ragged.
SHABBY, adjective. Clothed with ragged, much worn, or soiled garments.
SHABBY, adjective. Mean; paltry; despicable.
Dictionary definition
SHABBY, adjective. Showing signs of wear and tear; "a ratty old overcoat"; "shabby furniture"; "an old house with dirty windows and tatty curtains".
SHABBY, adjective. Mean and unworthy and despicable; "shabby treatment".
Wise words
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not
truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words
are not good.