Associations to the word «Looking»


LOOKING, verb. Present participle of look
LOOKING, noun. The act of one who looks; a glance.
LOOKING, noun. (obsolete) The manner in which one looks; appearance; countenance.
LOOKING AFTER, verb. Present participle of look after
LOOKING DOWN, verb. Present participle of look down
LOOKING FOR, verb. Present participle of look for
LOOKING FORWARD, verb. Present participle of look forward
LOOKING GLASS, noun. A mirror.
LOOKING GLASSES, noun. Plural of looking glass
LOOKING INTO, verb. Present participle of look into
LOOKING LIKE, verb. Present participle of look like
LOOKING OUT, verb. Present participle of look out
LOOKING OVER, verb. Present participle of look over
LOOKING THE OTHER WAY, verb. Present participle of look the other way
LOOKING THE PART, verb. Present participle of look the part
LOOKING UP, verb. Present participle of look up

Dictionary definition

LOOKING, noun. The act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually; "he went out to have a look"; "his look was fixed on her eyes"; "he gave it a good looking at"; "his camera does his looking for him".
LOOKING, noun. The act of searching visually.
LOOKING, adjective. Appearing to be as specified; usually used as combining forms; "left their clothes dirty looking"; "a most disagreeable looking character"; "angry-looking"; "liquid-looking"; "severe-looking policemen on noble horses"; "fine-sounding phrases"; "taken in by high-sounding talk".

Wise words

Actions speak louder than words.
Ancient Proverb