Associations to the word «Sleek»


SLEEK, adjective. Having an even, smooth surface; smooth; hence, glossy.
SLEEK, adjective. Not rough or harsh.
SLEEK, adverb. (dated) With ease and dexterity.
SLEEK, verb. To make smooth or glossy; to polish or cause to be attractive.
SLEEK, noun. That which makes smooth; varnish.

Dictionary definition

SLEEK, verb. Make slick or smooth.
SLEEK, adjective. Well-groomed and neatly tailored; especially too well-groomed; "sleek figures in expensive clothes".
SLEEK, adjective. Designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow; "a streamlined convertible".
SLEEK, adjective. Having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light; "glossy auburn hair"; "satiny gardenia petals"; "sleek black fur"; "silken eyelashes"; "silky skin"; "a silklike fabric"; "slick seals and otters".

Wise words

The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds can be done only for God.
Leo Tolstoy