Associations to the word «Craft»
- Artisan
- Craftsman
- Ceramic
- Jewelry
- Jewellery
- Pottery
- Carving
- Textile
- Vendor
- Knitting
- Furniture
- Quilt
- Guild
- Embroidery
- Item
- Workshop
- Hobby
- Furnishing
- Storytelling
- Woven
- Art
- Blacksmith
- Skill
- Sculpture
- Showcase
- Rug
- Filmmaking
- Cider
- Carver
- Basket
- Designer
- Landing
- Minesweeper
- Patrol
- Brewing
- Brewery
- Songwriting
- Pitchfork
- Gunboat
- Ign
- Mooring
- Ceramics
- Reviewer
- Figurine
- Docking
- Mahogany
- Flotilla
- Paddle
- Praising
- Masterpiece
- Barge
- Thriller
- Blueprint
- Contour
- Persona
- Disco
- Unique
- Enamel
- Melody
- Suspense
- Ebert
- Consensus
- Shuttle
CRAFT, noun. (obsolete) Strength; power; might.
CRAFT, noun. (uncountable) Ability; dexterity; skill, especially skill in making plans and carrying them into execution; dexterity in managing affairs; adroitness; practical cunning.
CRAFT, noun. (uncountable) Cunning, art, skill, or dexterity applied to bad purposes; artifice; guile; subtlety; shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception.
CRAFT, noun. (obsolete) A device; a means; an art; art in general.
CRAFT, noun. (countable) (plural: crafts) The skilled practice of a practical occupation.
CRAFT, noun. The members of a trade collectively; guild.
CRAFT, noun. (nautical) (whaling) Implements used in catching fish, such as net, line, or hook. Modern use primarily in whaling, as in harpoons, hand-lances, etc.
CRAFT, noun. (nautical) Boats, especially of smaller size than ships. Historically primarily applied to vessels engaged in loading or unloading of other vessels, as lighters, hoys, and barges.
CRAFT, noun. (figurative) A woman.
CRAFT, noun. (nautical) (British Royal Navy) Those vessels attendant on a fleet, such as cutters, schooners, and gun-boats, generally commanded by lieutenants.
CRAFT, noun. (countable) (plural: craft) A vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space.
CRAFT, noun. (countable) (plural: crafts) A particular kind of skilled work.
CRAFT, verb. To make by hand and with much skill.
CRAFT, verb. To construct, develop something (like a skilled craftsman): "state crafting", "crafting global policing".
CRAFT, verb. (video games) to combine multiple items to form a new item
CRAFT, proper noun. A surname.
CRAFT CENTRE, noun. A place, typically having one or more workshops, an exhibition gallery and a shop, where tourists may watch local craftsmen at work and buy examples of their craft
CRAFT CENTRES, noun. Plural of craft centre
Dictionary definition
CRAFT, noun. The skilled practice of a practical occupation; "he learned his trade as an apprentice".
CRAFT, noun. A vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space.
CRAFT, noun. People who perform a particular kind of skilled work; "he represented the craft of brewers"; "as they say in the trade".
CRAFT, noun. Skill in an occupation or trade.
CRAFT, noun. Shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception.
CRAFT, verb. Make by hand and with much skill; "The artisan crafted a complicated tool".
Wise words
There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind
must lie.