Associations to the word «Sweater»


SWEATER, noun. A knitted jacket or jersey, usually of thick wool, worn by athletes before or after exercise.
SWEATER, noun. (US) A similar garment worn for warmth.
SWEATER, noun. One who sweats (produces sweat).
SWEATER, noun. One who or that which causes to sweat.
SWEATER DRESS, noun. A knitted dress, especially of wool, worn for warmth.
SWEATER DRESSES, noun. Plural of sweater dress
SWEATER GIRL, noun. A young woman wearing a tight sweater that emphasizes the bustline: a popular Hollywood fashion of the 1940s and 1950s.
SWEATER GIRLS, noun. Plural of sweater girl
SWEATER PUPPIES, noun. (slang) a woman's breasts
SWEATER VEST, noun. (US) A sleeveless sweater, commonly knit in argyle.
SWEATER VESTS, noun. Plural of sweater vest

Dictionary definition

SWEATER, noun. A crocheted or knitted garment covering the upper part of the body.
SWEATER, noun. A person who perspires.

Wise words

Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe. Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.
Aldous Huxley