Associations to the word «Fastened»


FASTEN, verb. To attach or connect in a secure manner.
FASTEN, verb. To cause to take close effect; to make to tell; to land.
FASTEN UP, verb. (transitive) To fasten or attach

Dictionary definition

FASTEN, verb. Cause to be firmly attached; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man".
FASTEN, verb. Become fixed or fastened; "This dress fastens in the back".
FASTEN, verb. Attach to; "They fastened various nicknames to each other".
FASTEN, verb. Make tight or tighter; "Tighten the wire".

Wise words

Men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues, and can moderate their desires more than their words.
Baruch Spinoza