Associations to the word «Mast»


MAST, noun. A tall, slim post or tower, usually tapering upward, used to support, for example, the sails on a ship, flags, floodlights, or communications equipment such as an aerial, usually supported by guy-wires.
MAST, noun. (naval) A non-judicial punishment ("NJP") disciplinary hearing under which a commanding officer studies and disposes of cases involving those under his command.
MAST, verb. To supply and fit a mast to a ship
MAST, noun. The fruit of forest-trees (beech, oak, chestnut, pecan, etc.), especially if having fallen from the tree, used as fodder for pigs and other animals.
MAST, verb. (of swine and other animals) To feed on forest seed or fruit.
MAST, verb. (agriculture) (forestry) (ecology) (of a population of plants) To vary fruit and seed production in multi-year cycles.
MAST CELL, noun. A resident cell of connective tissue that contains many granules rich in histamine and heparin.
MAST CELLS, noun. Plural of mast cell
MAST CLIMBING, noun. The provision of powered access to a system of scaffolding by means of a platform fixed to a vertical mast attached to the side of the building under construction or maintenance
MAST COAT, noun. (nautical) A piece of canvas nailed around a mast, where it passes through the deck, to prevent water from getting below.
MAST SEEDING, noun. (botany) An intermittently-occurring, synchronous production of large amounts of seed by a population of plants.

Dictionary definition

MAST, noun. A vertical spar for supporting sails.
MAST, noun. Nuts of forest trees (as beechnuts and acorns) accumulated on the ground.
MAST, noun. Nuts of forest trees used as feed for swine.
MAST, noun. Any sturdy upright pole.

Wise words

Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.
John Adams