Associations to the word «Spire»
- Whorl
- Steeple
- Reuben
- Buttress
- Pinnacle
- Cupola
- Chancel
- Suture
- Transept
- Awe
- Nave
- Tower
- Skyline
- Con
- Dome
- Vane
- Turret
- Mast
- Gable
- Cathedral
- Apex
- Skyscraper
- Aisle
- Roof
- Parapet
- Antenna
- Edifice
- Periphery
- Lancet
- Obelisk
- Aperture
- Facade
- Crag
- Chimney
- Pagoda
- Salisbury
- Tops
- Cornice
- Exterior
- Shell
- Rooftop
- Porch
- Portico
- Slate
- Crumbling
- Foliage
- Sandstone
- Shingle
- Barnet
- Octagonal
- Surmounted
- Conical
- Con
- Soaring
- Towering
- Gothic
- Convex
- Lofty
- Immersed
- Cathedral
- Spiral
- Jagged
- Tall
- Depressed
- Slender
- Glittering
- Concave
- Roofed
- Architectural
- Gleaming
- Graceful
- Ornate
- Rebuilt
- Ornamented
- Clustered
- Romanesque
- Crowned
- Elevated
- Arched
- Stately
- Perpendicular
- Truncated
- Projecting
- Airy
- Rounded
- Squat
- Tops
- Axial
- Shell
- Adorned
- Quaint
- Twin
SPIRE, noun. (now rare) The stalk or stem of a plant. [from 10th c.]
SPIRE, noun. A young shoot of a plant; a spear. [from 14th c.]
SPIRE, noun. A sharp or tapering point. [from 16th c.]
SPIRE, noun. A tapering structure built on a roof or tower, especially as one of the central architectural features of a church or cathedral roof. [from 16th c.]
SPIRE, noun. The top, or uppermost point, of anything; the summit. [from 17th c.]
SPIRE, noun. (mining) A tube or fuse for communicating fire to the charge in blasting.
SPIRE, verb. Of a seed, plant etc.: to sprout, to send forth the early shoots of growth; to germinate. [from 14th c.]
SPIRE, verb. To grow upwards rather than develop horizontally. [from 14th c.]
SPIRE, verb. (intransitive) (obsolete) To breathe. [14th-16th c.]
SPIRE, noun. One of the sinuous foldings of a serpent or other reptile; a coil. [from 16th c.]
SPIRE, noun. A spiral. [from 17th c.]
SPIRE, noun. (geometry) The part of a spiral generated in one revolution of the straight line about the pole.
Dictionary definition
SPIRE, noun. A tall tower that forms the superstructure of a building (usually a church or temple) and that tapers to a point at the top.
Wise words
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and
health to the bones.