Associations to the word «Allergic»


ALLERGIC, adjective. Of or pertaining to allergy.
ALLERGIC, adjective. Having an allergy.
ALLERGIC, adjective. Excessively sensitive; susceptible.
ALLERGIC, noun. A person with a tendency to having allergies; a person with multiple or severe allergies.
ALLERGIC RESPONSE, noun. The response of the immune system to an allergen
ALLERGIC RHINITIS, noun. A group of symptoms similar to those of a cold such as runny nose and sore throat, caused by an allergic reaction to an allergen such as dust, plant pollens or animal dander.

Dictionary definition

ALLERGIC, adjective. Characterized by or caused by allergy; "an allergic reaction".
ALLERGIC, adjective. Having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibility (especially to a specific factor); "allergic children"; "hypersensitive to pollen".

Wise words

He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good.