Associations to the word «Adverse»
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Placebo
- Effect
- Toxicity
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Incidence
- Fda
- Dose
- Insomnia
- Dosage
- Reaction
- Vaccine
- Medication
- Opioid
- Weather
- Allergy
- Contaminant
- Efficacy
- Vaccination
- Outcome
- Headache
- Overdose
- Publicity
- Exposure
- Hypertension
- Drug
- Dysfunction
- Inhibitor
- Cns
- Intake
- Pollutant
- Ingestion
- Anesthesia
- Fetus
- Pregnancy
- Blocker
- Impact
- Consequence
- Agonist
- Pesticide
- Risk
- Pharmacology
- Impairment
- Intolerance
- Chemotherapy
- Mg
- Misuse
- Ppm
- Inference
- Anemia
- Testosterone
- Antibiotic
- Asthma
- Condition
- Irritation
- Epa
- Hazard
- Regimen
- Susceptibility
- Platelet
- Likelihood
- Severity
ADVERSE, adjective. Unfavorable; antagonistic in purpose or effect; hostile; actively opposing one's interests or wishes; contrary to one's welfare; acting against; working in an opposing direction.
ADVERSE, adjective. Opposed; contrary; opposing one's interests or desire.
ADVERSE, adjective. (not comparable) Opposite; confronting.
ADVERSE EFFECT, noun. Side-effect, especially a negative one in pharmacology.
ADVERSE IMPACT, noun. The rejection for employment, placement, or promotion of a significantly higher percentage of a protected class, when compared with a non-protected class.
ADVERSE PARTIES, noun. Plural of adverse party
ADVERSE PARTY, noun. (legal) The opposing party in a lawsuit under an adversary system of law; adversary.
ADVERSE POSSESSION, noun. (legal): A means of acquiring title to another's real property without compensation by occupying the property in a manner that is actual, open and notorious, exclusive, hostile, under cover of claim or right, and continuous for a certain number of years.
ADVERSE SELECTION, noun. (economics) (business) (insurance) The process by which the price and quantity of goods or services in a given market is altered due to one party having information that the other party cannot have at reasonable cost.
ADVERSE WITNESS, noun. (legal) A witness called on behalf of an adverse party.
ADVERSE WITNESSES, noun. Plural of adverse witness
Dictionary definition
ADVERSE, adjective. Contrary to your interests or welfare; "adverse circumstances"; "made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions".
ADVERSE, adjective. In an opposing direction; "adverse currents"; "a contrary wind".
Wise words
False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect
the soul with evil.