Associations to the word «Unfavorable»
- Consensus
- Omen
- Shear
- Prognosis
- Review
- Assign
- Convection
- Weather
- Conformation
- Score
- Rating
- Tomato
- Impression
- Critic
- Condition
- Entropy
- Publicity
- Respondent
- Circumstance
- Auspice
- Spore
- Dispersal
- Opinion
- Outcome
- Poll
- Comparison
- Cyst
- Ruling
- Neutral
- Trough
- Ds
- Terrain
- Environment
- Pathogen
- Reaction
- Dissatisfaction
- Steamship
- Attitude
- Juror
- Interaction
- Westerly
- Verdict
- Wind
- Thunderstorm
- Odds
- Pew
- Defi
- Forecast
- Typhoon
- Climate
- Thriller
- Editorial
- Bonding
- Balance
- Mph
- Artemis
- Aggregation
- Lipid
- Stereotype
- Equilibrium
- Apparition
- Deletion
- Criticism
UNFAVORABLE, adjective. Disadvantageous, adverse, unsuitable, inconducive; serving to hinder or oppose.
UNFAVORABLE, adjective. (of a belief) (state of mind, etc) Not favorable, disapproving.
UNFAVORABLE, adjective. (of wind or weather) Causing obstacles or delay; not conducive to travel or work; inclement.
UNFAVORABLE, adjective. Not auspicious; ill-boding.
Dictionary definition
UNFAVORABLE, adjective. Not encouraging or approving or pleasing; "unfavorable conditions"; "an unfavorable comparison"; "unfavorable comments", "unfavorable impression".
UNFAVORABLE, adjective. (of winds or weather) tending to hinder or oppose; "unfavorable winds".
UNFAVORABLE, adjective. Not favorable; "made an unfavorable impression"; "unfavorable reviews".
Wise words
Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for
people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or