Associations to the word «Negative»


NEGATIVE, adjective. Not positive or neutral
NEGATIVE, adjective. (physics) of electrical charge of an electron and related particles [from the 18th c.]
NEGATIVE, adjective. (mathematics) of number, less than zero
NEGATIVE, adjective. (linguistics) (logic) denying a proposition
NEGATIVE, adjective. Damaging; undesirable; unfavourable
NEGATIVE, adjective. Pessimistic; not tending to see the bright side of things. (Often used pejoratively.)
NEGATIVE, adjective. Of or relating to a photographic image in which the colours of the original, and the relations of right and left, are reversed.
NEGATIVE, adjective. (chemistry) metalloidal; nonmetallic; contrasted with positive or basic.
NEGATIVE, adjective. (New Age jargon) (pejorative) bad, unwanted, disagreeable, potentially damaging, to be avoided, unpleasant, difficult, painful; (often precedes 'energy', 'feeling', 'emotion' or 'thought').
NEGATIVE, noun. Refusal or withholding of assents; veto, prohibition [from the 15th c.]
NEGATIVE, noun. (legal) a right of veto
NEGATIVE, noun. (photography) an image in which dark areas represent light ones, and the converse [from the 19th c.]
NEGATIVE, noun. (grammar) a word that indicates negation
NEGATIVE, noun. (mathematics) a negative quantity
NEGATIVE, noun. (weightlifting): A rep performed with weight in which the muscle begins at maximum contraction and is slowly extended; a movement performed using only the eccentric phase of muscle movement.
NEGATIVE, noun. The negative plate of a voltaic or electrolytic cell.
NEGATIVE, verb. To veto
NEGATIVE, verb. To contradict
NEGATIVE, verb. To disprove
NEGATIVE CLAUSE, noun. (grammar) a clause that states a negative
NEGATIVE CRYSTAL, noun. (optics) A uniaxial crystal, such as one of calcite, in which the extraordinary wave travels faster than the ordinary wave
NEGATIVE CRYSTAL, noun. A crystal that contains a cavity
NEGATIVE CUTTER, noun. (film) A person whose profession is negative cutting and cuts and matches motion picture negatives using film splicers and film cement.
NEGATIVE EDGE, noun. (electronics) The point in time when a signal's value becomes low.
NEGATIVE EDGE-TRIGGERED, adjective. Alternative form of negative-edge-triggered
NEGATIVE EDGES, noun. Plural of negative edge
NEGATIVE EQUITY, noun. (finance) The amount by which the market value of a property falls below the amount of the mortgage secured upon it.
NEGATIVE EQUITY, noun. (finance) The situation in which a property is worth less than its mortgage.
NEGATIVE FEEDBACK, noun. (physics) a feedback loop in which the output signal of a system is amplified with a net negative gain and added to the input signal, before the main amplifier
NEGATIVE GEARING, noun. (finance) A form of leveraged speculation in which a speculator borrows money to buy an asset, but the income generated by that asset does not cover the interest on the loan
NEGATIVE GROWTH, noun. (economics) The opposite of economic growth; economic decline.
NEGATIVE ICE, noun. (curling) A shot in which the player curls the stone in the opposite direction in which the stone is expected to curve, due to significant defects in flatness of the ice surface
NEGATIVE INCOME TAX, noun. A progressive income tax system in which people earning below a certain amount receive supplemental pay from the government instead of paying taxes to the government.
NEGATIVE INDEXING, noun. (programming) The use of a negative integer as an array offset to access from the end of the array. Array[-3] accesses the 3rd element from the end of the array, the same as Array[ArraySize - 3].
NEGATIVE INTERFERENCE, noun. (linguistics) The condition when a word from one language to a sentence in another language will make it negative.
NEGATIVE LOGIC, noun. (electrical engineering) The use of the higher voltage level to represent the Boolean value 0 and the lower voltage level to represent the Boolean value 1.
NEGATIVE NANCY, noun. (pejorative) (informal) A person who is deemed to be excessively and disagreeably pessimistic.
NEGATIVE PLEDGE, noun. (finance) A type of loan or loan condition in which the borrower agrees with the lender not to allow any other lender or creditor to rank ahead for payment in the event of a liquidation. Such a loan is unsecured (ie. not backed by a charge over specific assets). Hailed as a great innovation when developed in the 1970s, but by the end of the 1980s had become a dirty word.
NEGATIVE PREGNANT, noun. (legal) A denial which implies its affirmative opposite by seeming to deny only a qualification of the allegation and not the allegation itself. For example, "I have never consumed cocaine while on duty" might imply that the person making the statement had consumed cocaine on other occasions.
NEGATIVE PRESSURE, noun. Pressure that is less than normal atmospheric pressure
NEGATIVE PRESSURE, noun. The tension in a liquid that is thermodynamically metastable with respect to the vapour phase; especially that in the xylem of vascular plants that allows transpiration to great heights
NEGATIVE PRESSURES, noun. Plural of negative pressure
NEGATIVE PROOF, noun. A fallacious judgment that because a premise cannot be proven true, that premise must be false.
NEGATIVE PROOFS, noun. Plural of negative proof
NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT, noun. The removal of a discouraging stimulus associated with a particular behaviour with the result that it is more likely to be repeated
NEGATIVE SENSE, adjective. (biology) of an RNA strand that is complementary to the positive sense and not transcribed into DNA.
NEGATIVE SIDE WATERPROOFING, noun. (construction) An application wherein the waterproofing system and source of hydrostatic pressure are on opposite sides of the structure.
NEGATIVE SPACE, noun. (art) The space around and between the subject(s) of an image.
NEGATIVE SPACES, noun. Plural of negative space
NEGATIVE TRANSFER, noun. (linguistics) The unsuccessful use by a language learner of a construct from his/her source language in the target language, such that the resulting utterance in the target language is incorrect.
NEGATIVE VERB, noun. An auxiliary verb used for negation in certain languages.
NEGATIVE VERBS, noun. Plural of negative verb
NEGATIVE ZERO, noun. (computing) A signed magnitude representation of zero in which the sign bit indicates a negative number.

Dictionary definition

NEGATIVE, noun. A reply of denial; "he answered in the negative".
NEGATIVE, noun. A piece of photographic film showing an image with light and shade or colors reversed.
NEGATIVE, verb. Vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent; "The President vetoed the bill".
NEGATIVE, adjective. Characterized by or displaying negation or denial or opposition or resistance; having no positive features; "a negative outlook on life"; "a colorless negative personality"; "a negative evaluation"; "a negative reaction to an advertising campaign".
NEGATIVE, adjective. Expressing or consisting of a negation or refusal or denial.
NEGATIVE, adjective. Having the quality of something harmful or unpleasant; "ran a negative campaign"; "delinquents retarded by their negative outlook on life".
NEGATIVE, adjective. Not indicating the presence of microorganisms or disease or a specific condition; "the HIV test was negative".
NEGATIVE, adjective. Reckoned in a direction opposite to that regarded as positive; "negative interest rates".
NEGATIVE, adjective. Less than zero; "a negative number".
NEGATIVE, adjective. Designed or tending to discredit, especially without positive or helpful suggestions; "negative criticism".
NEGATIVE, adjective. Having a negative charge; "electrons are negative".
NEGATIVE, adjective. Involving disadvantage or harm; "minus (or negative) factors".

Wise words

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Lao Tzu