Associations to the word «Emotional»


EMOTIONAL, adjective. Of or relating to the emotions.
EMOTIONAL, adjective. Characterised by emotion.
EMOTIONAL, adjective. Determined by emotion rather than reason.
EMOTIONAL, adjective. Appealing to or arousing emotion.
EMOTIONAL, adjective. Easily affected by emotion.
EMOTIONAL, adjective. Readily displaying emotion.
EMOTIONAL AGE, noun. The chronological age of individuals of the same maturity as the person in question.
EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL, noun. The psychological misuse of a person's emotions or insecurities in order to influence their behaviour
EMOTIONAL BUILD, noun. (Advertising) one of four archetypal dramatic structures of commercials characterized by a rising pattern of positive emotions.
EMOTIONAL BUILD, noun. (Advertising) a narrative structure used in commercials known as “director-type” advertising.
EMOTIONAL CRIPPLE, noun. (idiomatic) A person who has been rendered indecisive, alienated, uncaring, confused, or helpless in conjunction with experiencing debilitating emotions, such as worry, fear, panic, despair, etc.
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, noun. (psychology) The ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups.
EMOTIONAL PIVOT, noun. (advertising) one of four archetypal dramatic structures of commercials characterized by the ad’s deliberate use of negative emotions early in the ad to establish dramatic tension which allows the brand to resolve the negative situation and appear the hero or star at the end.
EMOTIONAL PIVOT, noun. (advertising) a narrative structure used in commercials known as “star-type” advertising.
EMOTIONAL PIVOTS, noun. Plural of emotional pivot
EMOTIONAL REASONING, noun. A cognitive process that occurs when a person believes that what he or she is feeling is true regardless of the evidence
EMOTIONAL STRUCTURE, noun. (advertising) a commercial’s design based on the audience’s emotional response, as seen in flow of emotion results.
EMOTIONAL STRUCTURES, noun. Plural of emotional structure

Dictionary definition

EMOTIONAL, adjective. Determined or actuated by emotion rather than reason; "it was an emotional judgment".
EMOTIONAL, adjective. Of more than usual emotion; "his behavior was highly emotional".
EMOTIONAL, adjective. Of or pertaining to emotion; "emotional health"; "an emotional crisis".
EMOTIONAL, adjective. (of persons) excessively affected by emotion; "he would become emotional over nothing at all"; "she was worked up about all the noise".

Wise words

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.
Maya Angelou