Associations to the word «Facial»


FACIAL, adjective. Of or affecting the face.
FACIAL, noun. A personal care beauty treatment which involves cleansing and moisturizing of the human face.
FACIAL, noun. (film) A kind of early silent film focusing on the facial expressions of the actor.
FACIAL, noun. (slang) (in some contact sports) A foul play which involves one player hitting another in the face.
FACIAL, noun. (slang) A sex act of male ejaculation onto another person's face.
FACIAL CREAM, noun. Any product designed to be rubbed into the face, either as a foundation for other makeup or as a moisturizer
FACIAL CREAMS, noun. Plural of facial cream
FACIAL EXPRESSION, noun. The expression or countenance that seems to an onlooker to be represented by the appearance of a person's face, resulting from specific use of that person's facial muscles.
FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, noun. Plural of facial expression
FACIAL FEATURE, noun. A distinguishing element of a face, such as an eye, nose, or lips.
FACIAL FEATURES, noun. Plural of facial feature
FACIAL HAIR, noun. Hair on the face of a human or animal, such as the eyebrows of a man or woman or the androgenic hair (beard or moustache) of a man.
FACIAL MASK, noun. An application of mud, clay, etc. to the skin of the face for cosmetic purposes.
FACIAL MASKS, noun. Plural of facial mask
FACIAL NERVE, noun. (neuroanatomy) The seventh (VII) of twelve paired cranial nerves.
FACIAL NERVES, noun. Plural of facial nerve
FACIAL PROFILING, noun. The automated identification of people (especially criminals) in video images
FACIAL YOGA, noun. Sets of exercises designed to work the facial muscles to maintain suppleness and youthfulness.

Dictionary definition

FACIAL, noun. Cranial nerve that supplies facial muscles.
FACIAL, noun. Care for the face that usually involves cleansing and massage and the application of cosmetic creams.
FACIAL, adjective. Of or concerning the face; "a facial massage"; "facial hair"; "facial expression".
FACIAL, adjective. Of or pertaining to the outside surface of an object.

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