Associations to the word «Tic»
- Dough
- Dome
- Semantic
- Dsm
- Toe
- Twitch
- Ric
- Ea
- Semantics
- Disorder
- Linguistic
- Io
- Ul
- Hy
- Ce
- Syndrome
- Pr
- Linguistics
- Compulsion
- Ro
- Ig
- Ci
- Bal
- Ry
- Nd
- Ta
- Mona
- Lar
- Cul
- Ag
- Dopamine
- Ge
- Severity
- Ar
- Syntax
- Ra
- Ty
- Schizophrenia
- Insomnia
- Ir
- Onset
- Spasm
- Es
- Joker
- Neu
- Anemia
- Impairment
- Adolescence
- Reversal
- Medication
- Sta
- Te
- Autism
- Lan
- Linguist
- Ganglion
- Tremor
- Po
- Ng
- Tomography
- Phonology
- Gilles
- Clinician
- Er
- Pe
- Sev
- Rus
- Worldview
TIC, noun. A local and repetitive motion of certain muscles.
TIC, noun. Shortened form of ticket
TIC, verb. (intransitive) To exhibit a tic; to undergo repetitive muscle movements.
TIC DOULOUREUX, noun. Trigeminal neuralgia.
TIC TAC, adjective. (colloquial) fussy, petty
TIC TAC TOE, noun. Alternative form of tic-tac-toe
Dictionary definition
TIC, noun. A local and habitual twitching especially in the face.
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