Associations to the word «Compulsion»
- Obsession
- Coercion
- Repetition
- Addiction
- Freud
- Persuasion
- Tic
- Rogue
- Restraint
- Anxiety
- Tomography
- Dsm
- Enchantment
- Impulse
- Obedience
- Necessity
- Washing
- Disorder
- Psychoanalysis
- Urge
- Levin
- Override
- Aversion
- Mentality
- Counting
- Urgency
- Garion
- Sufferer
- Nestor
- Deforestation
- Conifer
- Contamination
- Conscription
- Bargain
- Inclination
- Overlord
- Constraint
- Behavior
- Instinct
- Repeat
- Condor
- Preoccupation
- Resist
- Rationality
- Repeating
- Quran
- Distress
- Alcoholism
- Sigmund
- Delusion
COMPULSION, noun. An irrational need to perform some action, often despite negative consequences.
COMPULSION, noun. The use of authority, influence, or other power to force (compel) a person or persons to act.
COMPULSION, noun. The lawful use of violence (i.e. by the administration).
Dictionary definition
COMPULSION, noun. An urge to do or say something that might be better left undone or unsaid; "he felt a compulsion to babble on about the accident".
COMPULSION, noun. An irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions, even against your will; "her compulsion to wash her hands repeatedly".
COMPULSION, noun. Using force to cause something to occur; "though pressed into rugby under compulsion I began to enjoy the game"; "they didn't have to use coercion".
Wise words
There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind
must lie.