Associations to the word «Nestor»


NESTOR, proper noun. A taxonomic genus within the family Strigopidae   — the kea and kaka.
NESTOR, proper noun. (Greek mythology) An old and wise king in Homer's Iliad.
NESTOR, proper noun. A male given name, rare in English.
NESTOR, noun. A wise old man, especially such a counselor.
NESTOR MERIDIONALIS, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Strigopidae   — the New Zealand kaka.
NESTOR NOTABILIS, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Strigopidae   — the kea.

Dictionary definition

NESTOR, noun. (Greek mythology) a wise old counselor to the Greeks at Troy.
NESTOR, noun. A genus of Psittacidae.

Wise words

All our words from loose using have lost their edge.
Ernest Hemingway