Associations to the word «Hector»
- Achilles
- Sneer
- Iliad
- Trojan
- Maclean
- Munro
- Outset
- Ajax
- Troy
- Odysseus
- Liszt
- Nestor
- Macpherson
- Cassandra
- Tito
- Faust
- Raul
- Chariot
- Tone
- Palma
- Merlin
- Sylvester
- Laird
- Guerrero
- Molina
- Tko
- Slew
- Hawker
- Ulysses
- Salamanca
- Delgado
- Joachim
- Macdonald
- Chadwick
- Turnbull
- Voice
- Rodriguez
- Lopez
- Garcia
- Coll
- Cesar
- Fargo
- Homer
- Antiquary
- Dolphin
- Comte
- Bertha
- Spear
- Salazar
- Ortiz
- Ruiz
- Hernandez
- Aphrodite
- Watchman
- Aberdeen
- Gonzalez
- Mackenzie
- Greek
- Og
- Brandenburg
- Macleod
- Sanchez
- Andres
- Zeus
- Moreno
- Duel
- Blunt
- Manner
- Diaz
- Anu
- Gonzales
- Martinez
- Talbot
- Hammond
- Mor
- Amulet
- Valour
- Manny
- Hermes
- Wayne
- Arturo
- Lucien
- Wilcox
- Heracles
- Omar
- Onslaught
- Apollo
- Chavez
HECTOR, noun. A bully; a blustering, turbulent, noisy fellow.
HECTOR, verb. (transitive) To intimidate or dominate in a blustering way.
HECTOR, verb. (intransitive) To behave like a bully; swagger.
HECTOR, proper noun. (Greek mythology) A Trojan hero in Iliad.
HECTOR, proper noun. A male given name
Dictionary definition
HECTOR, noun. (Greek mythology) a mythical Trojan who was killed by Achilles during the Trojan War.
HECTOR, verb. Be bossy towards; "Her big brother always bullied her when she was young".
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