Associations to the word «Duel»
- Batterie
- Pistol
- Inning
- Lap
- Banjo
- Duel
- Battle
- Burr
- Swordsman
- Combatant
- Texan
- Fencing
- Afc
- Hms
- Pitching
- Rebound
- Quarrel
- Decatur
- Gunnery
- Bronco
- Skid
- Ravens
- Arjuna
- Adversary
- Artillery
- Brawl
- Samurai
- Charger
- Challenge
- Redskin
- Buccaneer
- Insult
- Wan
- Iliad
- Cowardice
- Musketeer
- Fight
- Sundown
- Shore
- Athos
- Monster
- Sword
- Packer
- Gladiator
- Bills
- Saber
- Barron
- Hector
- Provocation
- Titan
- Hamilton
- Chivalry
- Jaguar
- Loser
- Ordeal
- Pitcher
- Pavel
- Gauntlet
- Fencer
- Showdown
- Rematch
- Canning
- Frenchman
- Battling
- Panther
- Contestant
- Climax
- Aaron
- Streak
DUEL, noun. Arranged, regular combat between two private persons, often over a matter of honor.
DUEL, noun. Historically, the wager of battle (judicial combat)
DUEL, noun. Any struggle between two contending persons, groups or ideas.
DUEL, verb. To engage in a battle.
Dictionary definition
DUEL, noun. A prearranged fight with deadly weapons by two people (accompanied by seconds) in order to settle a quarrel over a point of honor.
DUEL, noun. Any struggle between two skillful opponents (individuals or groups).
DUEL, verb. Fight a duel, as over one's honor or a woman; "In the 19th century, men often dueled over small matters".
Wise words
There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind
must lie.