Associations to the word «Code»
- Iata
- Modulation
- Parity
- Byte
- Rna
- Redundancy
- Digit
- Turbo
- Unicode
- Programmer
- Mrna
- Compiler
- Morse
- Cipher
- Itu
- Identifier
- Nucleotide
- Compression
- Authentication
- Genes
- Gnu
- Encryption
- Enigma
- Prefix
- Error
- Zip
- Sequence
- Algorithm
- Standardization
- Correction
- Kb
- Switching
- Template
- Message
- Sender
- Syntax
- Annotation
- Alphabet
- Functionality
- Compatibility
- Ide
- Duplication
- Metadata
- Dual
- Permutation
- Header
- Transmitting
- Basic
- Keyword
- Software
- Polynomial
- Identification
- Dsm
- Standard
- Input
- Verification
- Entropy
- Genome
- Gene
- Transcript
- Vinci
- Modem
- Billing
- Ieee
- Polymerase
- Bandwidth
- Ethic
CODE, noun. A short symbol, often with little relation to the item it represents.
CODE, noun. A body of law, sanctioned by legislation, in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the courts are set forth in systematic form; a compilation of laws by public authority; a digest.
CODE, noun. Any system of principles, rules or regulations relating to one subject; as, the medical code, a system of rules for the regulation of the professional conduct of physicians; the naval code, a system of rules for making communications at sea means of signals.
CODE, noun. A set of rules for converting information into another form or representation.
CODE, noun. By synecdoche: a codeword, code point, an encoded representation of a character, symbol, or other entity.
CODE, noun. A message represented by rules intended to conceal its meaning.
CODE, noun. (cryptography) A cryptographic system using a codebook that converts words or phrases into codewords.
CODE, noun. (programming) (uncountable) Instructions for a computer, written in a programming language; the input of a translator, an interpreter or a browser, namely: source code, machine code, bytecode.
CODE, noun. By synecdoche: any piece of a program, of a document or something else written in a computer language.
CODE, verb. (computing) To write software programs.
CODE, verb. To categorise by assigning identifiers from a schedule, for example CPT coding for medical insurance purposes.
CODE, verb. (cryptography) To encode.
CODE, verb. (genetics) (intransitive) To encode a protein.
CODE, verb. (medicine) Of a patient, to suffer a sudden medical emergency (a code blue) such as cardiac arrest.
CODE BLACK, noun. (North America) (medicine) the condition on the occurrence of a patient death
CODE BLACK, noun. (North America) (medicine) the condition on the occurrence of a security threat to medical facility infrastructure
CODE BLOCK, noun. (programming) A block of sourcecode; often one which is delimited by brackets, or in some similar way, depending on the language.
CODE BLOCK, noun. (coding theory) A string, usually of a certain specific length, of characters, which have been encoded and transmitted to a receiver
CODE BLUE, noun. (North America) (medicine) the condition on the occurrence of a medical emergency
CODE BROWN, noun. (North America) (medicine) the condition on the occurrence of a hazmat situation at the medical facility
CODE ENFORCEMENT, noun. The act of enforcing a set of rules, principles, or laws (especially written ones) and insuring observance of a system of norms or customs.
CODE FACE, noun. (computing) (informal) The place where programmers develop source code (as opposed to conceptually distant areas such as design and marketing).
CODE GOLF, noun. A recreational computer programming competition in which participants attempt to implement an algorithm using the shortest possible source code.
CODE MIX, verb. Alternative form of code-mix
CODE MIXED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of code mix
CODE MIXING, noun. Alternative form of code-mixing
CODE MIXING, verb. Present participle of code mix
CODE MONKEY, noun. (slang) (sometimes derogatory) A computer programmer.
CODE MONKEYS, noun. Plural of code monkey
CODE NAME, noun. (business) (espionage) (military) A name used to clandestinely identify somebody or something, either for military or espionage purposes, or for commercial confidentiality.
CODE NAMES, noun. Plural of code name
CODE OF CONDUCT, noun. A set of rules to guide behaviour and decisions in a specified situation
CODE OF HONOUR, noun. Certain rules by which social intercourse is regulated among a social group, and which are founded on a regard for reputation.
CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE, proper noun. Uniform Code of Military Justice
CODE OF PRACTICE, noun. A set of guidelines and regulations to be followed by members of some profession, trade, occupation, organization etc.; does not normally have the force of law
CODE OF SILENCE, noun. Alternative term for wall of silence
CODE PAGE, noun. (computing) Alternative spelling of codepage
CODE PAGES, noun. Plural of code page
CODE PINK, noun. (North America) (medicine) the condition on the occurrence of a neonatal medical emergency
CODE PINK, noun. (North America) (medicine) more generally, the condition on the occurrence of a pediatric medical emergency
CODE POINT, noun. (computing) A numerical offset in a character set, etc., as opposed to the character or item it represents.
CODE POINTS, noun. Plural of code point
CODE RED, noun. (North America) (medicine) the condition on the occurrence of a fire at the medical facility
CODE REVIEW, noun. (software engineering) (uncountable) The practice of identifying and verifying the choice of algorithms, coding styles and compliance with the software design.
CODE REVIEW, noun. (software engineering) (countable) The act of performing code review on a particular piece of code.
CODE REVIEW, verb. (transitive) (software engineering) To perform code review on.
CODE REVIEWS, noun. Plural of code review
CODE SIGNING, noun. (computing) the attachment of a digital certificate (from a certification authority) to an executable program to ensure its validity
CODE SMELL, noun. (computing) (programming) Anything in a program's source code that suggests the presence of a design problem.
CODE SMELLS, noun. Plural of code smell
CODE SWITCH, verb. Alternative form of code-switch
CODE SWITCHED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of code switch
CODE SWITCHING, noun. Alternative form of code-switching
CODE SWITCHING, verb. Present participle of code switch
Dictionary definition
CODE, noun. A set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones).
CODE, noun. A coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecy.
CODE, noun. (computer science) the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program or the set of such instructions.
CODE, verb. Attach a code to; "Code the pieces with numbers so that you can identify them later".
CODE, verb. Convert ordinary language into code; "We should encode the message for security reasons".
Wise words
Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be