Associations to the word «Itu»
- Telecommunication
- Standardization
- Imf
- Recommendation
- Rec
- Telecom
- Atm
- Allocation
- Unesco
- Modem
- Khz
- Prefix
- Ethernet
- Union
- Signalling
- Ida
- Nam
- Icc
- Bs
- Mhz
- Ghz
- Olympic
- Ranking
- Geneva
- Standard
- Tele
- Networking
- Hz
- Int
- Bis
- Protocol
- Modulation
- Radio
- Fax
- Multimedia
- Compression
- Specification
- Nea
- Amateur
- Subscriber
- Lausanne
- Regulation
- Frequency
- Annex
- Ieee
- Propagation
- Accordance
- Istanbul
- Auspice
- Mobile
- Mf
- Digital
- Correspondent
- Packet
- Numbering
- Unicef
- Athlete
- Spacing
- Telephone
- Sg
- Regulator
- Rfc
- Bandwidth
- Yokohama
- Signaling
- Identifier
- Uhf
- International
- Transmission
- Interface
- Sector
- Satellite
- Audio
- Nations
- Un
- Emu
- Observer
- Wavelength
ITU, proper noun. Initialism of International Telecommunication Union.
ITU, proper noun. Initialism of International Triathlon Union.
ITU, proper noun. Initialism of International Typographical Union.
ITU, proper noun. Initialism of IT University of Copenhagen.
ITU, proper noun. Initialism of Istanbul Technical University.
ITU, noun. (British) Initialism of intensive treatment unit, called intensive care unit in the United States.
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul