Associations to the word «Radio»
- Bbc
- Fm
- Mhz
- Presenter
- Transmitter
- Khz
- Broadcasting
- Broadcast
- Listener
- Airplay
- Frequency
- Station
- Programming
- Sirius
- Radar
- Controller
- Broadcaster
- Cbc
- Beacon
- Announcer
- Programme
- Transmission
- Simulcast
- Itu
- News
- Cambridgeshire
- Transistor
- Radio
- Uhf
- Am
- Transmitting
- Coverage
- Television
- Berkshire
- Hd
- Jingle
- Fcc
- Antenna
- Abc
- Lincolnshire
- Wireless
- Cb
- Northampton
- Dj
- Leeds
- Commentator
- Cumbria
- Telecommunication
- Personality
- Jockey
- Shropshire
- Gps
- Microwave
- Tele
- Receiver
- Finder
- Ghz
- Philharmonic
- Tv
- Format
- Welles
- Affiliate
- Satellite
- Audio
- Dial
- Promo
- Microphone
- Leicester
- Intercept
- Internet
- Communication
- Syndication
- Orson
- Commercial
- Telescope
- Relay
- Astronomy
- Digital
Pictures for the word «Radio»
RADIO, noun. (uncountable) The technology that allows for the transmission of sound or other signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves.
RADIO, noun. (countable) A device that can capture (receive) the signal sent over radio waves and render the modulated signal as sound.
RADIO, noun. (countable) A device that can transmit radio signals.
RADIO, noun. (Internet) (uncountable) The continuous broadcasting of sound recordings via the Internet in the style of traditional radio.
RADIO, verb. (intransitive) (transitive) (ambitransitive) To use two-way radio to transmit (a message) (to another radio or other radio operator).
RADIO, verb. (transitive) To order or assist (to a location), using telecommunications.
RADIO ALARM, noun. A burglar alarm or fire alarm that transmits a warning radio signal when activated
RADIO ALARM, noun. A combination radio and alarm clock; a radio alarm clock
RADIO ALARM CLOCK, noun. A combination radio and alarm clock
RADIO ALTIMETER, noun. An altimeter that uses a narrow radio or radar beam directed at the ground
RADIO AMATEUR, noun. A person who practises the hobby of amateur radio. Radio amateurs must possess a licence issued by the relevant authority in the country in which they live, and must pass an exam before they can obtain a licence to operate.
RADIO AMATEURS, noun. Plural of radio amateur
RADIO ASTRONOMER, noun. A person who studies radio astronomy.
RADIO ASTRONOMERS, noun. Plural of radio astronomer
RADIO ASTRONOMY, noun. The branch of astronomy which utilizes radio waves through the use of radio telescopes to study celestial bodies and occurrences.
RADIO BEACON, noun. (communication) A beacon that emits radio wave signals to guide ships or aircraft or to indicate their positions.
RADIO BEACONS, noun. Plural of radio beacon
RADIO BURST, noun. (astronomy) A brief emission of intense radio waves from a star etc.
RADIO BUTTON, noun. Any of a line of preset buttons on a car radio used to select the station to be listened to; pressing one releases the others
RADIO BUTTON, noun. (graphical user interface) Any of a group of widgets in a graphical user interface that is used to select one of a group of options; the selection of any one deselects the others
RADIO BUTTONS, noun. Plural of radio button
RADIO CASSETTE, noun. A radio cassette player or radio cassette recorder
RADIO CASSETTE PLAYER, noun. A combination radio and cassette player.
RADIO CASSETTE RECORDER, noun. A combination radio and cassette recorder
RADIO CLOCK, noun. A clock that is synchronized to a remote time standard by means of radio signals
RADIO CLOCKS, noun. Plural of radio clock
RADIO COLLAR, noun. A radio transmitter, fastened to a wild animal, (usually around the neck) so that the animal's movements may be tracked
RADIO COMPASS, noun. An early form of radio direction finder that used commercial radio stations
RADIO CONTROL, noun. Use of radio signals to remotely control a device
RADIO DIRECTION FINDER, noun. A navigational aid to aircraft that provides a bearing to a radio beacon
RADIO DRAMA, noun. Dramatized, purely acoustic performance, broadcast on radio or published on audio media, such as tape or CD
RADIO DRAMAS, noun. Plural of radio drama
RADIO ENERGY, noun. (physics) The energy transmitted by radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation
RADIO FIX, noun. The location of a radio transmitter by taking bearings from two receivers.
RADIO FIX, noun. The location of a vessel or aircraft by taking bearings to two transmitters of known position.
RADIO FREQUENCIES, noun. Plural of radio frequency
RADIO FREQUENCY, noun. (uncountable) That part of the electromagnetic spectrum, between about 3 kHz and 300 MHz, within which radio waves are transmitted.
RADIO FREQUENCY, noun. (countable) A frequency in this range.
RADIO FREQUENCY INTEGRATED CIRCUIT, noun. An integrated circuit containing analog circuitry operating at frequencies in and above the ultrahigh frequency band.
RADIO GALAXIES, noun. Plural of radio galaxy
RADIO GALAXY, noun. (astronomy) Type of galaxy that is very luminous at radio wavelengths.
RADIO HALO, noun. (astronomy) A diffuse region of material, surrounding a galaxy or a pulsar, that emits radio waves
RADIO INTERFEROMETER, noun. A radio telescope that has two or more separated receiving antennas in order to measure angular distances as small as one second of arc
RADIO INTERFEROMETRY, noun. Interferometry using a radio interferometer
RADIO JET, noun. Either of a pair of intense beams of radio waves emitted by a microquasar or similar object
RADIO JOCK, noun. (informal) A radio jockey
RADIO JOCKEY, noun. A disk jockey who hosts a radio talk show
RADIO KNIFE, noun. (medicine) A surgical instrument that uses a high-frequency electric arc to cut through or cut away tissue and at the same time sterilize the edges of the wound and seal cut blood vessels.
RADIO MODEM, noun. A wireless modem
RADIO MONITORING, noun. The systematic listening to, and reporting of, foreign radio transmissions in order to gather intelligence.
RADIO NEBULA, noun. (astronomy) Any nebula that emits radio waves
RADIO OFFICER, noun. (nautical) The person, on board ship, who sends and receives radio messages
RADIO RECEPTION, noun. The receiving of radio signals
RADIO RECEPTION, noun. The quality of the sound produced by a radio as a result of the strength of the signal, and the presence of interference
RADIO SHACK, noun. (slang) (nautical) a room for hosting radio equipment
RADIO SHACKS, noun. Plural of radio shack
RADIO SILENCE, noun. A status maintained where all fixed or mobile radio stations in an area stop transmitting (sometimes limited to certain frequency bands).
RADIO SILENCE, noun. The period of time during which this status exists.
RADIO SILENCE, noun. (figurative) A period of time during which nothing is heard from a person or organization.
RADIO SOUNDING, noun. Investigation of the upper atmosphere by use of a radiosonde.
RADIO SOUNDINGS, noun. Plural of radio sounding
RADIO SOURCE, noun. (astronomy) Any astronomical object that emits radio waves.
RADIO STAR, noun. A celebrity famous for having appeared in radio (a medium of telecommunication that is an audio format which is telecast, traditionally over-the-air on radio-frequency electromagnetic broadcasts)
RADIO STAR, noun. (obsolete) (astronomy) a discrete astronomical radio source
RADIO STARS, noun. Plural of radio star
RADIO STATION, noun. A broadcast station, usually housed in a small building, from which radio programs are transmitted.
RADIO STATIONS, noun. Plural of radio station
RADIO TAG, noun. A small radio transmitter attached to an object (especially to an animal) in order to track its location
RADIO TAGGING, noun. The use of radio tags to track the location of objects (especially of animals)
RADIO TELEGRAPHY, noun. The transmission of Morse code (etc) using radio
RADIO TELEMETRY, noun. Telemetry by use of radio waves.
RADIO TELEPHONY, noun. The transmission of speech using modulated radio waves
RADIO TELESCOPE, noun. (astronomy) A device for observing astronomical sources of radio waves, normally having one or more large parabolic dishes.
RADIO TELESCOPES, noun. Plural of radio telescope
RADIO TOWER, noun. A tower or mast containing one or more antennas to transmit radio signals
RADIO TOWERS, noun. Plural of radio tower
RADIO TRACKING, noun. The continuous monitoring of the position and range of a remote object using radio
RADIO WAVE, noun. (physics) electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength between about .5 centimeters and 30,000 meters; used for the broadcasting of radio and television signals.
RADIO WAVES, noun. Plural of radio wave
Dictionary definition
RADIO, noun. Medium for communication.
RADIO, noun. An electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals.
RADIO, noun. A communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves.
RADIO, verb. Transmit messages via radio waves; "he radioed for help".
RADIO, adjective. Indicating radiation or radioactivity; "radiochemistry".
Wise words
Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable
fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those
symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated
by the inaudible language of the heart.