Associations to the word «Standard»
- Standardization
- Deviation
- Itu
- Calibration
- Unicode
- Metadata
- Ethernet
- Bearer
- Ieee
- Gauge
- Encryption
- Specification
- Guideline
- Maximum
- Living
- Benchmark
- Epa
- Compatibility
- Bs
- Connector
- Protocol
- Ppm
- Modem
- Api
- Adapter
- Tcp
- Repertoire
- Curriculum
- Measurement
- Unix
- Pullman
- Procedure
- Interface
- Implementation
- Kennel
- Vendor
- Wireless
- Requirement
- Compression
- Format
- Rfc
- Swimmer
- Authentication
- Norm
- Validation
- Browser
- Schema
- Simulcast
- Atm
- Networking
- Baseline
- Ghz
- Code
- Terminology
- Upgrade
- Breed
- Automation
- Utc
- Compliance
- Accreditation
- Orthography
- Decency
- Accounting
- Accountability
- Certification
- Competency
- Tuning
- Safety
- Adherence
- V6
- Emission
- Dialect
- V8
STANDARD, adjective. Falling within an accepted range of size, amount, power, quality, etc.
STANDARD, adjective. (of a tree or shrub) Growing on an erect stem of full height.
STANDARD, adjective. Having recognized excellence or authority.
STANDARD, adjective. Of a usable or serviceable grade or quality.
STANDARD, adjective. (not comparable) (of a motor vehicle) Having a manual transmission.
STANDARD, adjective. As normally supplied (not optional).
STANDARD, noun. A principle or example or measure used for comparison.
STANDARD, noun. A level of quality or attainment.
STANDARD, noun. Something used as a measure for comparative evaluations; a model.
STANDARD, noun. A musical work of established popularity.
STANDARD, noun. A rule or set of rules or requirements which are widely agreed upon or imposed by government.
STANDARD, noun. The proportion of weights of fine metal and alloy established for coinage.
STANDARD, noun. A bottle of wine containing 0.750 liters of fluid.
STANDARD, noun. A vertical pole with something at its apex.
STANDARD, noun. An object supported in an upright position, such as a lamp standard.
STANDARD, noun. The flag or ensign carried by a military unit.
STANDARD, noun. One of the upright members that supports the horizontal axis of a transit or theodolite.
STANDARD, noun. Any upright support, such as one of the poles of a scaffold.
STANDARD, noun. A tree of natural size supported by its own stem, and not dwarfed by grafting on the stock of a smaller species nor trained upon a wall or trellis.
STANDARD, noun. The sheth of a plough.
STANDARD, noun. A manual transmission vehicle.
STANDARD, noun. (botany) The upper petal or banner of a papilionaceous corolla.
STANDARD, noun. (shipbuilding) An inverted knee timber placed upon the deck instead of beneath it, with its vertical branch turned upward from that which lies horizontally.
STANDARD, noun. A large drinking cup.
STANDARD CANDLE, noun. (astronomy) Any astronomical object of known absolute magnitude. Its distance can then be calculated from its apparent magnitude.
STANDARD CANDLES, noun. Plural of standard candle
STANDARD DEVIATION, noun. (statistics) A measure of how spread out data values are around the mean, defined as the square root of the variance.
STANDARD DEVIATIONS, noun. Plural of standard deviation
STANDARD ELECTRODE POTENTIAL, noun. An electrode potential measured under standard conditions; a temperature or 298K, 1 atmosphere pressure and at 1 mole of the activity of redox participants of the half-reaction.
STANDARD ELECTRODE POTENTIALS, noun. Plural of standard electrode potential
STANDARD ENGLISH, proper noun. (linguistics) The form of the English language widely accepted as the usual correct form.
STANDARD ERROR, noun. (statistics) A measure of how likely a mean of means is to be wrong. It is the standard deviation of the sample sizes in each to the sample means.
STANDARD ERRORS, noun. Plural of standard error
STANDARD FARE, noun. (countable) (literally) The usual price for travel by air, rail, or another means of transport.
STANDARD FARE, noun. (countable) (by extension) A high price charged to passengers who travel without buying tickets in advance on certain public transport systems (especially British bus and tram systems) (compare penalty fare).
STANDARD FARE, noun. (uncountable) (literally) Menu items or dining options which are regularly available in a restaurant or other place where food is served.
STANDARD FARE, noun. (uncountable) (idiomatic) (by extension) Something which is normal, routine, or unexceptional; something which is commonly provided or encountered.
STANDARD GAUGE, noun. (rail transport) A specification of the width of railway tracks of 56.5 inches (1435 mm)
STANDARD GERMAN, proper noun. The German language, especially as distinguished from the standardized varieties such as Luxembourgish or Low Saxon.
STANDARD HABBIE, noun. (prosody) A Scottish verse form with six-line stanzas rhyming AAABAB, with tetrameter A lines and dimeter B lines.
STANDARD HYDROGEN ELECTRODE, noun. (physics) (chemistry) An electrode with a standard electrode potential of zero; used as a standard against which other electrodes are measured.
STANDARD HYDROGEN ELECTRODES, noun. Plural of standard hydrogen electrode
STANDARD LAMP, noun. A lamp supported by a tall vertical pole in order that light comes from above those seated in the vicinity.
STANDARD LAMPS, noun. Plural of standard lamp
STANDARD LANGUAGE, noun. A particular variety of a language that is regarded as the most correct way of writing or speaking the language.
STANDARD LANGUAGES, noun. Plural of standard language
STANDARD MANDARIN, proper noun. The official language of China based on the Beijing dialect of Mandarin.
STANDARD MODEL, proper noun. (particle physics) a theory about the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear interactions that mediate the dynamics of the known subatomic particles.
STANDARD NORMAL DISTRIBUTION, noun. (statistics) The normal distribution with a mean of zero and a variance of one.
STANDARD NORMAL DISTRIBUTIONS, noun. Plural of standard normal distribution
STANDARD OF CARE, noun. (legal) In tort law, the degree of caution that a reasonable person should exercise in a given situation so as to avoid causing injury.
STANDARD OF IDENTITY, noun. (US) (Canada) (legal) A government regulation which establishes the criteria which must be met before a product may be labeled as being a certain food.
STANDARD OF LIVING, noun. A relative measure of the quality of life a person or group has.
STANDARD POODLE, noun. A big poodle, over 15 inches (38 cm).
STANDARD POODLES, noun. Plural of standard poodle
STANDARD PORT, noun. (navigation) A port whose tidal predictions are given directly in tide tables
STANDARD RULER, noun. (astronomy) Any astronomical object of known diameter whose distance can then be calculated from the angle it subtends
STANDARD RULERS, noun. Plural of standard ruler
STANDARD TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE, noun. (physics) (chemistry) The international, standard conditions used to aid reproducibility; a temperature of 0 °C (273.15 K) and a pressure of 1 atmosphere (101.325 kPa). Abbreviated as STP.
STANDARD TIME, noun. Time as measured by synchronizing clocks in different geographical locations within a time zone to the same time, rather than using the local meridian, as in local mean time or solar time.
STANDARD TOOLBAR, noun. (computing) the bar of icons (save, print, help, etc.) on the screen below the menu bar in applications such as Microsoft Word.
STANDARD TOPOLOGY, noun. (topology) The topology of the real number system generated by a basis which consists of all open balls (in the real number system), which are defined in terms of the one-dimensional Euclidean metric.
STANDARD TRANSMISSION, noun. (automotive) Mechanical transmission which shifts gears by the action of the driver's hand on the gearstick or gear lever, rather than automatically; a manual gearbox.
STANDARD TRANSMISSIONS, noun. Plural of standard transmission
Dictionary definition
STANDARD, noun. A basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated; "the schools comply with federal standards"; "they set the measure for all subsequent work".
STANDARD, noun. The ideal in terms of which something can be judged; "they live by the standards of their community".
STANDARD, noun. A board measure = 1980 board feet.
STANDARD, noun. The value behind the money in a monetary system.
STANDARD, noun. An upright pole or beam (especially one used as a support); "distance was marked by standards every mile"; "lamps supported on standards provided illumination".
STANDARD, noun. Any distinctive flag.
STANDARD, adjective. Conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind; "windows of standard width"; "standard sizes"; "the standard fixtures"; "standard brands"; "standard operating procedure".
STANDARD, adjective. Commonly used or supplied; "standard procedure"; "standard car equipment".
STANDARD, adjective. Established or well-known or widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence; "a standard reference work"; "the classical argument between free trade and protectionism".
STANDARD, adjective. Conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers; "standard English" (American); "received standard English is sometimes called the King's English" (British).
STANDARD, adjective. Regularly and widely used or sold; "a standard size"; "a stock item".
Wise words
Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe.
Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with
things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.