Associations to the word «Tuning»
- Octave
- Fork
- Temperament
- Fret
- Oscillator
- Peg
- Chord
- Capacitor
- String
- Capo
- Hz
- Diode
- Unison
- Lute
- Fifth
- Knob
- Pitch
- Ghz
- Banjo
- Frequency
- Interval
- Vibration
- Bandwidth
- Uhf
- Instrument
- Fiddle
- Selectivity
- Waveguide
- Wavelength
- Fine
- Mandolin
- Viewer
- Tune
- Adjustment
- Locking
- Pickup
- Parameter
- Harp
- Harpsichord
- Guitar
- Outing
- Amplifier
- Resonance
- Improvisation
- Pin
- Modulation
- Dial
- Quartz
- Neuron
- Cavity
- Fender
- Riff
- Voltage
- Coil
- Slide
- Screw
- Filter
- Wrench
- Harmonica
- Impedance
- Yamaha
- Midi
- Khz
- Drone
- Coupling
- M3
- Playing
- Nylon
- Piano
- Inversion
- Tcp
- Optimization
- Violin
- Oscillation
- Exhaust
- Richter
TUNING, noun. Action of the verb to tune.
TUNING, noun. The calibration of a musical instrument to a standard pitch.
TUNING, noun. (engineering) The adjustment of a system or circuit to secure optimum performance.
TUNING, verb. Present participle of tune
TUNING FORK, noun. (musici) A fork-shaped object which emits a tone of a specific frequency when struck.
TUNING FORKS, noun. Plural of tuning fork
TUNING IN, verb. Present participle of tune in
TUNING OUT, verb. Present participle of tune out
Dictionary definition
TUNING, noun. (music) calibrating something (an instrument or electronic circuit) to a standard frequency.
Wise words
However many holy words you read, however many you speak,
what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?