Associations to the word «Cavity»
- Sinus
- Waveguide
- Uterus
- Palate
- Incision
- Woodpecker
- Molding
- Microwave
- Cyst
- Septum
- Lining
- Mold
- Ovary
- Mantle
- Catheter
- Intestine
- Nest
- Laser
- Fluid
- Oscillator
- Diode
- Vagina
- Abdomen
- Spectroscopy
- Resonance
- Sac
- Insulation
- Lung
- Cartilage
- Ghz
- Photon
- Rupture
- Lymph
- Wavelength
- Crevice
- Marrow
- Enamel
- Chest
- Saliva
- Duct
- Carcinoma
- Bladder
- Membrane
- Fissure
- Coupling
- Perturbation
- Filling
- Reflector
- Aperture
- Gland
- Spleen
- Tooth
- Oscillation
- Tentacle
- Inflammation
- Tube
- Tissue
- Leakage
- Accelerator
- Accumulation
- Burrow
- Tuning
- Dentist
CAVITY, noun. A hole or hollow depression.
CAVITY, noun. A hollow area within the body (such as the sinuses).
CAVITY, noun. (dentistry) A soft area in a decayed tooth.
CAVITY QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS, noun. (physics) The coupled interaction between matter and an electromagnetic field within a resonating structure
CAVITY RESONATOR, noun. A form of waveguide, closed at each end, used to create an intense electromagnetic wave
CAVITY WALL, noun. (construction) A double wall of masonry connected by an air space.
CAVITY WALLS, noun. Plural of cavity wall
Dictionary definition
CAVITY, noun. A sizeable hole (usually in the ground); "they dug a pit to bury the body".
CAVITY, noun. Space that is surrounded by something.
CAVITY, noun. Soft decayed area in a tooth; progressive decay can lead to the death of a tooth.
CAVITY, noun. (anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus within the body.
Wise words
A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there
is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to
take away.