Associations to the word «Orthography»
- Phonology
- Phoneme
- Pronunciation
- Spelling
- Consonant
- Alphabet
- Vowel
- Syntax
- Yiddish
- Standardization
- Grammar
- Morphology
- Belarusian
- Mayan
- Etymology
- Transcription
- Lexicon
- Linguist
- Dialect
- Semantic
- Yoruba
- Vocabulary
- Syllable
- Nomenclature
- Script
- Croatian
- Accent
- Sami
- Cree
- Noun
- Unicode
- Javanese
- Dictionary
- Language
- Latin
- Plural
- Pronoun
- Philology
- Bracket
- Derivation
- Learner
- Portuguese
- Serbian
- Taiwanese
- Literacy
- Linguistics
- Inconsistency
- Romani
- Hebrew
- Scribe
- Verb
- Reform
- Suffix
- Assimilation
- Pho
- Usage
- Correspondence
- Arabic
ORTHOGRAPHY, noun. The study of correct spelling according to established usage.
ORTHOGRAPHY, noun. The aspect of language study concerned with letters and their sequences in words.
ORTHOGRAPHY, noun. Spelling; the method of representing a language or the sounds of language by written symbols.
ORTHOGRAPHY, noun. (architecture) Orthographic projection; especially its use to draw an elevation, vertical projection etc. of a building.
Dictionary definition
ORTHOGRAPHY, noun. A method of representing the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.